Fallout is one of the most popular post-apocalyptic series by Bethesda Softworks, running since 1997. This gaming series has had four main entries and lots of spin-offs throughout the years, but rarely has any installment in this series achieved popularity like Fallout 4. This game has reached a peak of popularity, and just when players have been waiting for the next major entry in the series, Fallout: London came with an update.

A third-party developer team was working on this gigantic DLC-sized mod for a long time, but the release date for this mod was not officially revealed. However, fueling the curiosity of gamers, this long-awaited mod was released without any prior announcement, surprising players. 

Fallout: London Finally Arrives for Fallout 4 Without Any Prior Announcement

fallout 4
Fallout 4‘s most anticipated mod Fallout: London suddenly released without any prior announcement.

Fallout: London has gone through ups and downs during its development. For the last five years, Team Folon has been working on this mod, but due to some reason or another, the release has always been delayed. 

However, on July 25, Team Folon suddenly released this massive mod on Good Old Games and posted about this release on its official X page, stating:

The wait is over. After nearly 5 years of tireless work, we are proud to release Fallout: London.”

Currently, the mod is compatible with the pre-patched version of Fallout 4. Basically, players can experience the mod in the original version of the game before the next-gen update was released. The next-generation compatible version is under development.

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As announced, players need to have Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition installed on GOG or Steam. If on Steam, then it should be a pre-patched version. If you have the game, install the mod from GOG and run it. Once the mod starts running, players can experience its effects in-game whenever they launch Fallout 4 the next time. 

Of course, this has created a wave of curiosity among players, but the launch was without notice, so some of them are a bit disappointed. 

Super Hyped Fans Have Mixed Reactions After Fallout: London Officially Released

fallout london
Fallout: London’s release has created a stir among the community, even though the mod supports only the pre-patch version of the game.

Fans have been excited about this Fallout 4 mod for a long time. Even after they heard about its incompatibility with the next-gen version of the game, they didn’t mind. Instead, they were excited that this long-awaited mod would finally come after several delays. 

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Therefore, even after Team Folon released this mod without any notice, the enthusiasm among them didn’t go away even a little bit.

Most of them expressed their support and excitement by saying, “Amazing. Can’t wait to play!

Some of them have declared that they will definitely play this mod.

Even some players stated that if they had received an official announcement, they would have taken a few days off from work to experience this mod.

Fallout: London has created a level of expectations among players, and whether it fulfills what players are expecting from it or not will soon be revealed.

However, the Steam release of the mod is not yet declared, though a lot of players are curious about it.