Helldivers 2’s rough time seems to be a continuous one, as six months after its official release, the game is still facing severe criticism for making worse decisions. Undoubtedly, it is one of the best games of 2024, but at every step, Arrowhead heard complaints and criticisms from community members. This trend is still going on, and even a bit increased after the major update was released. 

Escalation of Freedom was released on August 6, 2024. However, players had high expectations from this major update, but when it was released, the scenario soon changed, as it made the game more complicated and unplayable. 

As Soon as the Update Dropped, a Wave of Resentment Hit Arrowhead for Nerfing One of the Favorite Weapons

helldivers 2 escalation of freedom
Escalation of Freedom seems to be failed players, as they expected a lot from it and this update has brought mostly disappointment.

Making the wrong decisions is something that Arrowhead often does. Since the game was released, often the developer released patch notes to balance the gameplay, but ultimately, players found it a downgrade of weapons, which eventually made enemies stronger. After making the Railgun almost a useless weapon with nerfs, Arrowhead is now doing the same with another fan-favorite weapon.

When Escalation of Freedom was initially announced, players thought it would fix all the issues, but as soon as the update was released, they discovered that almost every weapon and piece of equipment in the game got nerfed. 

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Their rage reached its peak when they found the Flamethrower received a substantial nerf in its abilities. A few months ago, this weapon got a buff and became one of the most potent weapons to kill high-difficulty enemies. However, the latest nerf has downgraded its powers, and it can no longer kill chargers, as it doesn’t possess the power to penetrate through their leg armor. 

This instantly created a stir in the Helldivers 2 community, and players started complaining about making this weapon a useless one on Reddit. Fortunately, Arrowhead responded to these protests and complaints. 

Arrowhead Promised the Helldivers 2 Community About Considering Its Feedback

helldivers 2 escalation of freedom
After the Railgun, Helldivers 2 is doing the same with the Flamethrower, as this weapon received a significant nerf.

Arrowhead has always been great at communication. Even the CEO of the company often communicates with players to strengthen the bond. Since the beginning, the developer has repeatedly proven that it values the feedback and suggestions of players, and no exception happened this time. 

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As soon as the community started protesting against the nerf of Flamethrower, Arrowhead appeared to manage the situation and pacify players. On the Helldivers 2 subreddit, it has posted, “We have heard your feedback.

In the post, Arrowhead clearly mentioned that it is aware of the reason for the protest and has internal discussions to decide the next course of action.

Along with that, it has posted a link to a feedback form for the new update and the Warbond named Freedom’s Flame.

Well, what the developer will do about the Flamethrower is not yet sure, but at least it is considering the matter.