There really is not any doubt that the biggest video game of 2023 was Baldur’s Gate 3, a title so well-versed in its Dungeons and Dragons source material and fresh that it received critical and commercial acclaim from all across the world. While Larian Studios definitely succeeded in creating an extremely detailed narrative that could branch out in any direction its players wanted, there were plenty of lighthearted aspects that came with the game as well.

Celebrating its magnum opus’ first anniversary in the most Larian way possible, the developer and publisher has shared some very interesting statistics about what its community has been up to while playing the game, along with a humble request that needs to be considered to keep the in-game characters safe from losing their pixels any further.

The Baldur’s Gate 3 Community and Its Smooching Obsession Get Exposed in New Statistics

With 27 million kisses, Shadowheart seems to have stolen the hearts of Baldur's Gate 3 players.
With 27 million kisses, Shadowheart seems to have stolen the hearts of Baldur’s Gate 3 players.

Being a video game that oozes with humor and personality, it only made sense for Baldur’s Gate 3 to get its birthday celebrated in a fitting manner, and Larian Studios exposing the title’s community and its smooching obsession seems like the perfect way to announce the anniversary.

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In an extensive thread on X that revealed numerous facts about how players have been spending their time in the game, the developer shared that the community has kissed the in-game companions over 75 million times in just one year.

Of course, knowing Larian and its in-depth approach with everything that it does, the developer has also listed down the companions who were lucky (or unlucky) enough to be smooched the most, with the high half-elf Shadowheart leading the way as the fan-favorite choice, as she has been kissed 27 million times.

Interestingly, the poster child for Baldur’s Gate 3, Astarion, has secured second place, scoring 15 million smooches with a significant lead over the rest of the roster. Unfortunately, the Drow Minthara could not leave her mark on players’ hearts or lips, as she has finished last with a mere 169,937 kisses.

Fearing for the Safety of Its Characters, Larian Studios Has a Request for Players

Not every elf received the same amount of love from players over the last 12 months.
Not every elf received the same amount of love from players over the last 12 months.

Upon witnessing the Baldur’s Gate 3 community going overboard with the game’s romance mechanic, Larian Studios only had one small request from its massive player base regarding its shenanigans.

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Please give them a break,” wrote the developer as it pleaded to the players that the companions’ “lips are losing pixels” due to their excessive usage throughout the year.

Of course, Larian did not just stop there and shared even more intriguing facts about its community’s deepest darkest secrets, confirming that “658,000 players had sex with Halsin,” with 30% of the fanbase preferring to do it in his bear form.

It is clear that players have been having quite a wonderful time in Baldur’s Gate 3, and although it may be disheartening to hear that Larian Studios will not be making a sequel or DLC, at least fans have these amazing memories to look back on.