Since Helldivers 2 was released, it has become one of the most played games of the recent time with millions of players grinding it regularly. The game offers different unique features to players and most of them are exciting. From the beginning, it was clear that Arrowhead takes players’ reviews and complaints seriously and tries to fix the game features accordingly. Therefore, they often introduce new patches to the game that fix issues and introduce new elements. The latest Patch 1.000.103 has fixed multiple things, but immediately after that players have started complaining about another issue that the recent patch note has added. 

Helldivers 2 Players Expressing Their Frustration About the Latest Major Order Failure Issue After the Recent Patch Note

Receiving a new patch note is always exciting for players as they get new content to explore. But the problem began as soon as the latest Patch 1.000.103 was released. The almost unachievable Major Order becomes tougher to complete. Players have been expressing their frustration on different platforms as the game is showing errors and glitches again, and on Reddit, a Helldivers 2 fan wrote that he finds the Major Order impossible to complete as the game is frequently crashing and showing black screen.

Major Orders are nothing new to the game and players have completed the previous ones within the deadline. But the recent one is making things hard for players due to several reasons. The latest Major Order tasks players to capture five planets within three days. While the time is too short for the task, players are now facing black screen issues and game crash problems. Along with that PlayStation 5 players are facing server issues which make this objective an unachievable one on every platform. Naturally, players are not satisfied with the developers for this mess and criticizing them already for it.

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Despite that, there’s another prime reason that makes the Major Order unachievable. The objective says players need to capture Fori Prime and Zagon Prime from bug infestation to get 35 Medals. However, the catch here is these two planets are not available from the beginning of the Major Order to start operation. Therefore, players need to capture other planets first and then make their ways to these planets. With this amount of work to do in a few hours, it is almost an impossible objective to complete within time.

Patch 1.000.103 Has Fixed Environmental Hazards in Helldivers 2

environmental hazards in helldivers 2
Environmental Hazard in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 is getting patch notes frequently. Just a few weeks back a patch note introduced Environmental Hazards to make the journey of the players more challenging. Planets now have Volcano activities, Meteor Shower, Fire Tornadoes, etc., natural disasters that make the exploration path difficult for players. However, players have been complaining about the frequency and intensity of these mechanics that Arrowhead fixed in the latest patch.

The latest patch has reduced the frequency of the environmental hazards. Therefore, Meteor Showers, Volcanic Activity, Fire Tornados, and Ion Storms will spawn less frequently during missions. Apart from that Meteor Shower and Volcanic Activity have received a reduced explosion radius, damage rate and velocity to make survival a little easier.