Nexon’s The First Descendant is off to a great start with its MMORPG mechanics working well with its overarching narrative that pits the titular Descendants against a deadly alien race called the Vulgus. While many players have flocked to the game, drawn in by its excellent roster of characters and intense combat encounters, the title is far from a perfect experience.

Thankfully, Nexon’s problems are all easily fixed and the studio is actively working to address any complaints players may have with The First Descendant, hoping to sustain the goodwill that it has earned from them – and retain its player count in the process.

The First Descendant’s Current Problems

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The First Descendant has been a great addition to the MMORPG genre thus far.

While The First Descendant’s gameplay has been able to sustain the excellent start it has earned since its release, its RPG mechanics have proven to be annoying at their best and game-breaking at their worst. Although Nexon has done well to balance its core gameplay loop against some of the more tedious RPG trappings that other titles in the genre suffer from, there is a lot of room for improvement.

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One area that Nexon could look to address in upcoming patches would be the performance of specific weapons that have received an underwhelming response from its players thus far. With many complaints regarding the weapon in question surfacing online, the Korean studio would do well to pay attention to what its player base is saying.

What’s an RPG Without Weapons?

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Handguns have been among the game’s underperformers but can be great with a few tweaks.

Although The First Descendant’s players enjoy the freedom to customize their character to their heart’s content, taking on the Vulgus while looking their best, this freedom of expression may not be sufficient to sustain the game if its weapons are not up to scratch.

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The Reddit post below showcases how many players are dissatisfied with the way handguns have been implemented in the game. The player in question seems to find them redundant even as suggestions pour in on how Nexon could improve them in the comments.

One idea that stands out is another player’s suggestion to enable dual-wielding handguns – which could greatly improve their usage while allowing players to create some truly stylish builds for the game.

byu/fdjw88 from discussion

While dual-wielding handguns would allow for some quick-firing, high-damage builds, other players have found uses for handguns that go beyond dealing damage to add unique buffs to their character.

byu/fdjw88 from discussion

Although the above trick is quite a nifty way to improve a character’s movement speed, other players were quick to defend the idea that dual-wielding handguns is indeed the way forward for Nexon if it aims to address this particular problem for its players.

byu/fdjw88 from discussion

It’s evident what The First Descendant has to do for its players to begin using handguns more often in the game.

Now all that remains is for Nexon to find a way to make it happen with updates to the game.