Helldivers 2 is one of the most awaited games of 2024 and since the game was released, players have jumped into it to explore the entire gameplay. However, the process is not as easy as it seems because the game has multiple missions to complete and at every step, enemies await for players. The ship is basically the hub for the players in the game and these are the places from where players can use the stratagems. These are the core combat mechanics and from time to time players need to unlock powerful ones to go through complicated situations easily. However, this can’t be possible if you don’t upgrade your ship from the Ship Module menu.

The game has tons of ship modules available for players to unlock and purchase. Surprisingly almost all of them are equally good and strengthen your stratagems significantly. However, most of them will be unlocked after players have progressed a considerable length and completed certain objectives. So, if you are trying to understand the best ship upgrades in Helldivers 2, go through the below list for guidance.

Synthetic Supplementation

ship upgrades helldivers 2
Synthetic Supplementation

Among multiple Ship Module upgrades, the one players should not miss is the Synthetic Supplementation. This one reduces the cooldown timer for Sentry Guns and Resupply stratagems by 10%. Sentry Guns are sometimes the most important weapons in the game and initially, these weapons come with a 180-second cooldown timer which seems to be a long time when the situation is not in your favor. Therefore, reducing the cooldown timer will be a great help for players during crucial times.

Nuclear Radar

ship upgrades helldivers 2
Nuclear Radar

While the attack is always the most focused part of a fight, players must not forget about their defense. If your defense is not strong, you can’t survive longer as your character will take damage faster. To solve the defense issue, players need to unlock and purchase the Nuclear Radar ship module. If you have been grinding through the game, you are aware that one of the Diver’s Radar features allows players to check the location of the nearby enemies on the map. Once you open the map, you will see a red dot on it which effectively indicates the enemy location and from which direction they are approaching.

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The primary problem with this system is that the radius of this device is not short. Unlocking the Neuclear Radar ship module players can give this ability a significant boost and the radius will be increased to 50 meters. It will help players defend their base.

Donation Access License

ship upgrades helldivers 2
Donation Access License

Donation Access License is one of the first ship upgrades to unlock. Players will get it under the  Patriotic Administration Center category. Once you unlock and purchase it, it will allow you to have support weapons to spawn with the largest magazines. This technically ends your requirement for calling resupplies as you already have the largest magazine possible. This ship module will significantly alter the abilities of Railgun and Grenade Launcher. These are the best Stratagems to use for crowd control and if you get the largest possible magazine in these support weapons, clearing out enemy waves will become easier. However, it will be equally effective for Machine Gun, Flamethrower, Anti-Materiel Rifle, Laser Cannon, etc.

Liquid-Ventilated Cockpit

ship upgrades helldivers 2
Liquid-Ventilated Cockpit

The next ship module that players must not ignore is the Liquid-Ventilated Cockpit. As players level up and take on challenging missions, they need efficient stratagems to deal with enemies and in these times support weapons with long cooldown timers will become tough to use. Initially, players choose orbital stratagems for challenging fights, but these have a long cooldown timer. Therefore, this is the time to shift to the Eagle stratagems that have comparatively less cooldown time.

While Eagle stratagems are highly effective against certain enemies and have a less cooldown timer, this latter one gets further modified by Liquid-Ventilated Cockpit. This ship module reduced the cooldown timer of Eagle stratagems by 50%. This will be equally effective on all the Eagle stratagems including Eagle Smoke Strike, Eagle Cluster Bomb, and Eagle Napalm Airstrike.

Dynamic Tracking

ship upgrades helldivers 2
Dynamic Tracking

This is another stratagem to give your sentry guns a significant boost. Sentry Guns can be powerful weapons during fights, but these weapons have some serious issues that can’t be overlooked. Among them, one is the deployment issue. It takes some time to throw the stratagem on the ground and then players need to wait for the sentry to deploy. This process takes a long time, which eventually makes things difficult for players when the situation is tough.

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However, once you get the Dynamic Tracking ship module, it will reduce the deployment time of all sentry guns. With purchasing this upgrade, players no longer have to worry about the deployment time of a sentry gun. This effect works on all the sentry guns, including Mortar Sentry, EMS Mortar Sentry, Machine Gun Sentry, Autocannon Sentry, etc.

Pit Crew Hazard Pay

ship upgrades helldivers 2
Pit Crew Hazard Pay

If you have been trying to fight enemies and complete objectives, you must be already aware of how important Eagle Stratagems are for these fights. While the cooldown timer of these stratagems can be reduced with the Liquid-Ventilated Cockpit ship module, players will face another obstacle here which is the rearm mechanism. Whenever they are out of ammo, these stratagems require to be rearmed and this takes a lot of time, which makes players vulnerable for some time as they have to survive without a support weapon.

This rearm problem can be solved with the Pit Crew Hazard Pay ship module. This ship upgrade reduces the rearm timer by 20%, which can be a great help for the players. It will ensure that your explosive stratagems will get back to work faster.

These are some of the best ship upgrades players can have in Helldivers 2. All these ship upgrades will help you strengthen your support weapons one way or the other. Though these upgrades probably do not boost their abilities directly, they give them passive boosts. Besides them, players can also try Targeting Software Upgrade, Expanded Weapons Bay, and Exploding Shrapnel, and check the effects of these ship modules to give their gameplay experience a new range.