Open-world games are getting more popular with every passing year. Players love the massive maps and the uncertain nature of the in-game worlds, where things are pretty much randomized. As these games are not attracting the audience, developers are trying to focus more on this genre. If you have played open-world games, you are probably aware that exploration plays a vital role in these games. Players must explore the entire world in order to enjoy and survive.  

If we start listing these games, this will be a never-ending list. But there are a few that stand out from others and redefine the genre. These games have taken exploration to a new height and players should not miss them. If you want to check out the games that have revolutionized the open world games.

5. Fallout 4

open world games

Fallout is a massively popular action RPG series, started in 1997 with the same title. Throughout these years, the game has gone through multiple changes and has around a dozen installments. Set in a post-apocalyptic setting where survival is a real challenge, this game takes players to a massive world where the exploration is never-ending. Fallout 4 is the most successful game in the Fallout series because it attracts many players, has easy-to-understand gameplay, and offers a wide range of mods.

The main story of Fallout 4 takes place in the year 2287, where the Sole Survivor (the player character) rises from long-term cryogenic stasis in Vault 111. After they witness the death of their partners and the kidnapping of their child, their mission is to explore the Commonwealth and find their son. The story has ups and downs, twists and turns, and nearly a never-ending world to explore.

4. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

open world games

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a record-breaking game for Nintendo Switch. Though the wave of open-world games has reached other platforms, Nintendo players mostly were deprived of playing them on their platforms. With Breath of the Wild, they first time experienced the fresh air of open-world games.

Roaming around the dreamy world of Zelda, while exploring the kingdom of Hyrule can be a distinct feeling altogether. One of the most unique features of this game is its non-linear gameplay, where the game doesn’t have many defined entrances and exists. This feature allows players to explore the world freely without any boundaries. Link (the protagonist) can run, climb, swim, and glide, to explore the world and enjoy the sceneries.

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3. No Man’s Sky

open world games

No Man’s Sky is an action-adventure experience that players can get on any platform they have. Though the game received a mixed review after its initial 2016 release, players loved the game. Set in an alien universe, this game mostly focuses on five key features: exploration, survival, combat, trading, and base building.

Starting on a randomized planet near a crashed spacecraft, this game takes players to different planets and stars to explore the in-game world and collect resources and materials to repair, refuel, and craft whatever is necessary for their journey. They must engage in space combat with aliens and make hyperspace jumps to go to another planet.

2. Elden Ring

open world games

If you have been playing RPGs and open-world games for a long time, Elden Ring is hard to miss. It was one of the biggest releases of 2022, with a massive open world to explore. This game created a wave across the gaming world with its customizable characters and unique exploration features. The world of Elden Ring has numerous things to explore and understand. From boss fights to completing missions, this game presents a complete package of excitement and thrill to the gamers.

Apart from these, the game has secret locations, abilities, and items to be discovered. Magical Creatures to summon, lores to understand, to enjoy the entire story. From the beginning till the end, this game has an exciting story told with minute detail. No other game can compete with Elden Ring in storytelling and detailing.

1. Minecraft

open world games

While talking about open-world games and exploration, how can one forget Minecraft? Released in 2011, Minecraft is probably the biggest hit ever in the gaming world. It becomes the definition of a sandbox game. As an open-world survival game, Minecraft has no specific goal to achieve or climax to reach. Players can choose how to play this game and what activities to do.

Though the spawn location is randomized in the game, players can delete and create their world for infinite times. However, the basic rule of playing Minecraft is to start everything from scratch and build everything from the available resources. The exploration is genuinely limitless as the world never ends. The more you explore, the more you will find new resources or locations. Gamers probably agree that Minecraft has revolutionized open-world exploration.

These are the top five games that, according to us, have changed the concept of exploration in open-world games. So, if you haven’t tried any of these games, we recommend trying at least a few from the above list. They are all worth it.