Fallout 4’s latest mod is finally nearing its release date but it seems that players are not as interested in it as the mod’s developers would like them to be. Fallout: London had many players excited for a new take on the game’s dystopian world despite its troubled development cycle.

However, the fact that only PC gamers get to enjoy it along with a general lack of interest in a game that was released nearly nine years ago seem to be impacting its ability to get Fallout fans excited enough to give it a try.

Fallout: London’s Turbulent Past Impacted Its Future

The original Fallout 4 was a great addition to the franchise.

The original Fallout 4 garnered commercial and critical success with its fresh take on Boston and the Massachusetts region, introducing new player mechanics and over 50 new guns and 700 modifications for them. While the game’s modding community has created some fantastic additions to it over time, Fallout: London was the one that had its players very excited.

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The mod was set to add London as a new playable location alongside a new story and a star-studded voice cast. However, Bethesda Game Studios’ next-gen update for the game created chaos for the mod in terms of compatibility which forced the team to return to the drawing board to redo its work. Another problem was that its 35GB file size meant that it could not be hosted on NexusMods, a popular choice for modders.

A Case of Bad Timing for the New Fallout Mod

Fallout: London’s new content could have been a great addition to the base game.

The team behind Fallout: London has finally managed to bring the mod back on track and is ready to release it for players.

A post on the mod’s addition to the original game indicates a few possible reasons for a lack of player interest, even as some users seem like they would be happy to dive into a dystopian London.

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One player suggests that having Fallout: London available only on PC makes it impossible for a majority of its players to enjoy it.

Another player offered up a more constructive way forward for the mod, suggesting a possible – and potentially profitable – collaboration with Microsoft as a way to get players interested in it.

Other players were simply not interested in returning to the game.

It’s indeed unfortunate that all the hard work that Fallout: London’s team has put in is likely to not bear fruit, a situation that was created by many competing factors.

Yet, with many of those developers now working with Bethesda Game Studios on potentially new titles for the franchise, the mod may yet prove to be a success if all of the experience they gained during its development carries over to new installments in the franchise.