While Sony appears to be fumbling over at the Helldivers 2 front, it’s not doing much better with its other efforts to navigate the live-service realm. Shortly after its extensive reveal at State of Play, Firewalk’s been met with criticism regarding numerous aspects of its upcoming first-person shooter.

For starters, one may argue that Concord shares too many similarities with a certain Marvel property, and combined with the “woke” debate, the arguments have stirred the God of War creator up because of how illogical he thinks they feel.

Helldivers 2 Isn’t Original Either, Says David Jaffe in Defense of Firewalk

According to Jaffe, Helldivers 2 is basically another version of Starship Troopers, as they both even have the same kind of humor.
According to Jaffe, Helldivers 2 is another version of Starship Troopers.

After the success that was achieved by Arrowhead in the live-service market, Sony seemed to have quite some faith in Firewalk to follow the same path, as Concord kicked things off at the latest State of Play.

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However, the footage didn’t prove to be a hit among the PlayStation community, with gamers pointing out how the title lacked originality in elements ranging from the character design to the humorous situations. But David Jaffe, the man responsible for creating Kratos, doesn’t agree with some of the arguments.

Replying to X user Grummz’s criticism about how Firewalk isn’t even trying to listen to feedback and that the developer’s enforcing an agenda, Jaffe stated that maybe people are focusing on the wrong aspects when the gameplay footage looked promising. If anything, even the God of War creator thinks that neither of Sony’s recent live-service games have been “super original” at their core.

No, but neither is HELLDIVERS 2 or 90% of the service games out there,” continued Jaffe, as he also mentioned the resemblance Firewalk’s title shares with Marvel’s team of misfits, Guardians of the Galaxy.

Jaffe Thinks the Main Female Character in Firewalk’s Game Is “Pretty Damn Attractive”

PlayStation fans will soon have Guardians of the Galaxy at home.
PlayStation fans will soon have Guardians of the Galaxy at home.

Aside from showing gameplay footage and revealing the game’s world, Firewalk Studios also introduced the community to the main group of characters in the upcoming title, and just like her squad, Haymar became subject to criticism as well.

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Similar to how Xbox recently found itself in controversy with the upcoming Fable’s protagonist, the free-to-play multiplayer title’s reveal was also met with complaints because the female character is not as attractive as they would like her to be.

Since the rant had already started, Jaffe hit back at the critics by admitting that Haymar is “pretty damn attractive,” speculating that the people against her design may have delusional “perspectives” on reality.

The discussion below Jaffe’s post went on for a while, with players presenting counterarguments, but the God of War creator had more than enough responses to make the community realize just how pointless their takes truly are.

From the defined pronouns of an in-game robot to a seemingly misunderstood statement from Firewalk’s character designer, the debate touched upon various issues that players have with a title that is not even out yet.