Helldivers 2 has dominated the third-person shooter genre ever since its release, just like the titular Helldivers are a force to be reckoned with on any battlefield they are sent to. Fast-paced action and cool weapons let you take on the terrifying, bug-like Terminids or the sinister Automatons in a gameplay loop that has seen many players sink in hours of their time in the fight to save Democracy.

Although simple, Helldivers 2’s premise has captured the hearts and minds of its enormous fan base, providing them with a title that can be played in short bursts or an entire day! With many mission types on offer and a lot of strategies for players to try out with their squad, it is a gift that keeps on giving!

Fighting the Good Fight, One Mission at a Time

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The Super Earth Flag in Helldivers 2 is a symbol of hope and freedom for all.

Following the events of the original Helldivers, the sequel introduces a new reason for the titular Helldivers to go to war, and a new enemy in the form of Automatons, mechanical foes that seem to have a problem with the very existence of sentient, organic life. This is further complicated by the Terminids breaking out of containment facilities built to farm valuable resources from them.

SUGGESTED: Missions Made Easy: Eradicate Terminid Swarm in Helldivers 2 and Take Down the Big Boys for Democracy!

It’s in the midst of all this chaos that your Helldivers squad finds themselves looking to spread Democracy across the galaxy, hoping to bring Freedom to the oppressed while capturing key military installations and points of interest for their bosses over on Super Earth. To that end, Spread Democracy missions become an important part of the war effort. We’re here to tell you how you can go about achieving that goal.

How to Complete Spread Democracy

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Stick around after you plant the Flag until the objective is marked complete!

Spread democracy is a mission objective that comes up during Terminid or Automaton missions, and is quite simple to complete. It may be its own mission in certain cases but the method to complete it remains the same.

SUGGESTED: Missions Made Easy: Enable E-710 Extraction in Helldivers 2 and Get Outta Dodge!

You are given a special Stratagem for this mission that brings in a Hellpod containing the Super Earth Flag. A marker denotes the point at which you are required to place down this flag. Head on over to the location you need to go to, completing other objectives in your path as needed based on the mission you are currently on.

Once you reach the objective marker, you will simply have to use the Stratagem to call in the Flag. You are then required to defend the Flag for about 100 seconds until the objective is marked complete. Once the requisite amount of time passes, the objective is automatically completed and the Spread Democracy requirement is satisfied, leaving you to move to other objectives or head on over for extraction depending on the situation.

And that, folks, is how the Helldivers spread Freedom across the galaxy. You may encounter stiff resistance from Terminid Swarms or Automaton squadrons while attempting to do so, but don’t let that get in the way of pursuing your noble goals.

For more help with Helldivers 2, do check our detailed guides to learn more about the best weapons, Stratagems, and tactics to make sure you dominate the battlefield and keep fighting the good fight for Super Earth.