Arrowhead Studios’ Helldivers 2 takes its players to a world in which their goal is simple: team up to destroy enemy bases in order to satisfy the objectives of a military enterprise. While this may seem like an oversimplification when compared to other titles in the third-person shooter genre, the game’s sales and critical success showcase how effective this formula really is.

Fans of Helldivers 2 swear by its addictive gameplay loop and action-packed missions that can either be a quick fix when taking a break from work, or a way to spend hours on your couch blasting away at any Terminids or Automatons unfortunate enough to run afoul of your squad. With a lot of challenging elements packed in, it is easy to see how the game has achieved success on such a large scale!

We Solemnly Swear We’re Up To No Good

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Helldivers 2 gets very inventive with its mission objectives.

While the Automatons can be quite a pain to deal with given their advanced tactics and constant supply of reinforcements, we found that they can – and must – be taken down quickly and efficiently. And it seems that the powers that be on Super Earth agree. Many Automaton missions involve taking down key installations to gain a tactical advantage.

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From raiding their Air Bases to Command Bunkers, your Helldivers 2 squad is often sent to wreak havoc on their ranks, a goal justified by the fact that these mechanical menaces want to put an end to all organic life. One of the ways by which the Helldivers can cause the Automatons a lot of problems is by sabotaging their Supply Bases, leaving them vulnerable in the field due to not having enough ammo and fuel to rise up against an enemy threat.

Missions Made Easy: How to Sabotage Supply Bases in Helldivers 2

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These ammo stockpiles may be hard to find initially.

Sabotaging Automaton Supply Bases in Helldivers 2 can either be among the most straightforward missions in Helldivers 2 or the most confounding based on how familiar you are with the game’s mechanics. These missions come with a few objectives that can be puzzling to players who are taking them on for the first time. Fortunately, we’re here to help!

For starters, one of your objectives is to sabotage Ammo Stockpiles. While they are marked on your map as part of the mission’s objectives, you will need to know what they look like in order to identify them and take them out. Look for rockets that are neatly stacked, like in the image above, and just fire away with your weapons from a safe distance to watch them blow up, completing the objective. You may want to have a few grenades handy in case your weapons are unable to do any damage to them.

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Next up on your mission’s to-do list, Fuel Silos follow the same pattern as the Ammo Stockpiles. Head to the orange marker to begin locating them. They are a lot easier to find than Ammo Stockpiles as they are towering cylindrical structures with two or three red lights on them, making them hard to miss. However, light weapons and explosives won’t do the trick here. Fortunately, you are provided with the Hellbomb Stratagem to deal with them.

You will need to place your Hellbomb well, positioning it to make sure that all silos are caught in the blast. Find that sweet spot, throw it down, arm it, and scurry away as you do NOT want to be caught in the resulting blast. The Silos should go down once it explodes. It can be a good idea to carry an explosive Stratagem or two like Orbital Strikes of the Eagle 500kg Bomb just in case your Hellbomb is not enough to blow them all up.

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It’s always a pleasure to watch fuel silos go boom!

On some occasions, you may need to blow up another large target on the map. Let the orange markers guide you to it and use your best explosive Stratagems on them. Make sure that you are targeting the right structure to avoid wasting your Stratagem’s limited uses. You do not want to fail a mission for the simple reason that you ran out of ammo like your Automaton counterparts!

A general rule of thumb would be to have your squad bring their favorite explosive Stratagem to the mission, aiming for a bit of variety and giving you a bit of flexibility in dealing with any Automatons that may try to prevent you from achieving your goals. Area of effect Stratagems are best used by luring any enemies out in the field close to your objectives and letting your Stratagems kill two birds with one stone – or bomb, in this case.

That’s about all you need to know as far as Sabotage Supply Bases missions go in Helldivers 2. For more help with the game’s many mission types and enemies, do check out our detailed guides to find the best ways to deal with your enemies and spread Democracy to the farthest corners of the universe!