There’s a lot to like in Arrowhead Studios’ Helldivers 2. Its frenetic action, cool weapons, compelling premise, and terrifying enemies all work together to deliver an experience that has its players coming back for more. And it seems like Super Earth is going to keep having many visitors for a long time to come.

Missions in Helldivers 2 test your squad’s skill and coordination to their limits, making you feel like you and your buddies are in the thick of a battle against insurmountable odds. It’s a great way to spend an evening on your couch, duking it out with the Terminids and Automatons in the battle for supremacy over the galaxy in which the game is set.

Time For a Little Pest Control

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The Terminids can quickly overwhelm you on the battlefield in Helldivers 2 if you’re not careful.

The Terminids in Helldivers 2 are bug-like creatures that come at you in hordes, attempting to swarm you with superior numbers in battle. These extraterrestrial menaces prefer to fight at close range, cramping your style while they tear you apart with their claws. Some even have long-range attacks, spewing venomous goo at you from a distance that can cause a lot of damage if you are not careful.

SUGGESTED: 5 Helldivers 2 Stratagems That’ll Make You a Bug Killing Menace

Considering their penchant for melee attacks, it makes sense to equip yourself with weapons and Stratagems that are geared towards crowd control and close-range attacks. You will need a good measure of skill and precision when fighting against them, along with the will to hold your nerve when you see a Terminid swarm coming at you in full force. This is because the powers that be can order you to eradicate Terminid Swarms in a specific area, providing Super Earth with tactical advantages in the field.

How to Complete Eradicate Terminid Swarm

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Match the bugs’ aggression with fire and explosions.

Next, pay attention to the duration of these missions, as bringing in Stratagems with long cooldown periods means you get fewer uses of them in the field. You do not want to be caught in the middle of a swarm only to find that you cannot use your biggest and best tools simply because they are recharging. Try to equip your team with a good balance of close-range offense and defense in order to ensure that you are able to survive the Termind Swarm’s vicious onslaught.

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As with all missions in Helldivers 2, bringing the right weapons and armor to the battlefield is half the fight won. To that end, light armor may not be the best choice for your squad in Eradicate Terminid Swarm missions considering that most of their attacks come from swipes and slashes of their claws, making your Helldivers quite vulnerable if they lack enough protection. Medium or heavy armor is definitely the way to go for these missions.

Finally, the weapons you choose to bring must enable quick and consistent attacks in order to keep the pressure on the Terminids and hold them off until you can kill enough of them to satisfy your bosses in order to end the mission. These missions typically require you to kill a certain number of Terminids within the given timeframe so plan accordingly. Remember, the Terminids really hate fire so bringing a few explosives along is going to work wonders in terms of damage and crowd control.

As far as Stratagems are concerned, you want to bring along ones that allow you to control the space around you while using quick barrages of attacks from your primary weapons. Use weapons that you are comfortable with in order to let muscle memory take over during the fight while your Stratagems give you the edge you need to deal with the Terminid Swarm.

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The Terminids go down pretty easily despite their superior numbers.

A great combination to use would be the FLAM-40 Flamethrower and SH-32 Shield Generator Pack to bottleneck the Terminids while you burn them into oblivion. Explosive area-of-effect Stratagems like Eagle Airstrikes, Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods, Orbital EMS Strike, and Eagle 500Kg Bomb are all great choices once your shields are up to protect you from any blowback that the resulting explosions bring.

To control the space around you, use either the MD-14 Incendiary Mines or the MD-6 Anti-Personnel Minefield to make sure you are protected against the Terminid Swarm while you use weapons like the Railgun to deal rapid bursts of damage to the horde, killing them indiscriminately and easily completing your objective.

For armor, your options include the CE-35 Trench Engineer Armor which not only lets you carry two additional Grenades but also lets your guns deal more damage when you fire while crouching. You could also choose the CM-09 Bonesnapper Armor that increases both the duration and quantity of your healing stims -very handy when you’re surrounded by bugs! Or perhaps the DP-40 Hero Of The Federation Armor with its bleed damage prevention and chance to prevent death appeals to you.

With the right loadouts and a solid plan, the Terminid Swarm would melt away before they have a chance to even scratch you, completing the mission with ease on lower difficulties while the higher difficulties in Helldivers 2 may be a tad more challenging but with similar results.

For more help with Helldivers 2, let our guides point you to the best strategies for each mission type, and the best loadouts you can use for them in order to make your squad a nightmare to any unfortunate Terminids or Automatons that happen to get in your way.