Helldivers 2 has been running successfully for around four months. Despite lots of protests and controversies, Arrowhead managed to maintain the popularity of the game among co-op shooter game fans. Of course, the fighting mechanics of the game are the primary reason behind it, but we can’t deny the contribution of the missions to increasing the popularity of the game among players. Though missions are tough, they are fun, and the Destroy Transmission Network mission is among them.

Mission variety is one of the major reasons behind the massive popularity of the game. Whether it is a peacemaker mission or a defense base mission, these missions have always been the best attractions. However, most of these missions require more than one try to be completed, and some still seem tough. In that case, a little help will push players forward to achieve success in these missions.

Destroy Transmission Network Mission in Helldivers 2: Objectives and Basic Details

destroy transmission network in helldivers 2
Destroy Transmission Network Mission is exciting but these are one of the toughest missions to complete in Helldivers 2.

Completing missions is one of the primary ways to explore Planets in Helldivers 2. From the beginning of the game, players need to focus on different kinds of missions so their characters can level up faster and explore most of the unlocked Planets. Some missions are even associated with trophies and achievements. However, as we have mentioned before, none of these missions are easy to complete, so players need to invest time and strategies to achieve success.

Before going forward and discussing the strategies to complete the mission, let me remind you of the objective of the Destroy Transmission Network mission in the game. This is one of the Automaton faction-exclusive missions that players should complete. You must have already noted the point that the game has multiple faction-specific missions, aside from the general ones. These faction-exclusive missions must be completed on planets that have the specific enemy type on them.

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So, the Destroy Transmission Network Mission can only be completed on the Automation Planets. Now if you are unsure about the objectives of this mission, let me tell you: here the game wants you to destroy the antenna for the Automaton Transmission Stream. To elaborate on this thing further, let me tell you that first, you need to land on an Automaton Planet and locate the enemy hub where the antenna is located. 

Once you have located it, the next thing is to shoot the antenna to ruin the stream and restore peace. It is a Peacekeeping operation. However, of course, it’s not as simple as it sounds. There’s a catch. The entire process, including the extraction part, needs to be completed within 40 minutes. Indeed, the robots are not going to allow you to do it without any resistance. So, if you step into the vicinity without proper weapons and strategy, elimination is not far away.

Missions Made Easy: How to Destroy Transmission Networks in Helldivers 2

destroy transmission network in helldivers 2
Locate the Antenna shown in the above image and destroy it to complete the mission in Helldivers 2.

Now that you have understood the mission objective and the time limit to complete the mission, it is time to check out the steps. When you jump into this mission, the first thing you need to know is that not all missions are available at every difficulty level. Lots of missions are accessible only when players are at Medium difficulty. Fortunately, this mission is a little different and players can access it at the lowest difficulty of the game, which is the Easy difficulty, and the next one, Medium difficulty. 

Don’t take this mission lightly because of its lower difficulty levels. It can eliminate you a few times, even before you reach the antenna’s location. So, the first thing we suggest is to bring a few friends. This is not a squad mission, and solo players can do it if they are skilled enough. But if you are a newcomer and don’t have a good idea of the game, bringing a few squadmates is always the best strategy you can follow. 

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Teammates not only back you up during difficult situations but also fight with you to make even the deadliest enemies easy to beat. Therefore, bring at least a three-player squad for this Destroy Transmission Network mission. Next, once you land on the Planet, keep tracking the map where the location of the antenna is marked. Stay quiet and keep progressing towards the Network Station. 

Once you reach the station, the objective is to shoot and destroy each of the rectangles on the antenna. However, Automaton enemies are not willing to complete this mission as it will ruin their plan. So, of course, they will start attacking you from different directions and sometimes even a single hit from them is enough to kill you. So, it is better to take cover behind the trees. This will help you a little longer. 

destroy transmission network in helldivers 2
Trying to fight the Automatons near their base won’t work. So, lure them away and shoot them.

We recommend bringing an Eagle 500KG Bomb, Orbital Laser, Grenade Launcher, etc. to deal heavy damage to the robots from a distance. Going too close to the area is not safe at all. Instead of going near the base of the enemy, you can try to bring them away. It will make the fight a bit easier. 

Initially, start with the entire team fighting the enemies, but as you reach almost the end of the destruction process, let one of your teammates go to the Extraction point and call in the Pelican Dropship. Ensure that the entire process is completed within 40 minutes, including your defending the extraction point for a few minutes, and that the Pelican takes 20 seconds to leave the map. If this process goes beyond 40 minutes, the mission will fail.

That’s everything players need to know about how to complete the Destroy Transmission Network in Helldivers 2. The mission is indeed tough, and Automaton enemies won’t let you survive if you aren’t able to take them away from the base. However, this mission is exciting, and if you want to complete a few more exciting Helldivers 2 missions, check out the Destroy Command Bunkers mission guide for all the required instructions.

Aside from these, if you are a newcomer playing the game, whenever you get stuck in Helldivers 2, don’t forget to go through our guides to resolve your queries and confusion.