Call of Duty Hackers are getting a step further with their hacks to disturb others’ gameplays. Since Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone were released, players have been constantly complaining about the increasing level of cheats that the hackers use to make these games unplayable, especially Warzone.

After Season 2 was released, things got only worse. Now, after the latest patch was released, again instances come to be reported where hackers are using their superpowers to bother other players who are trying to enjoy the game properly. A recent X post covers a clip where a hacker is showing off his power to cheat.

Activision Once Again Failed to Stop Warzone Hackers From Using Their Cheats to Make the Game Unplayable

The relation between Call of Duty and Hackers is an unstoppable one. No matter how much Activision tries, cheaters find their way to use hacks. Once again a recent X post proved this fact. On Twitter, @ItsHapa shared a 42-second clip where he shows two perk slots named, Super Strength and Super Speed. The video shows how a hacker is exploiting these two perks to eliminate other players.

The interesting part of the video is that this was not something that he himself faced or a victim shared. Instead, the hacker himself shared the clip with him to let him know about the hacks. In the video, the player’s speed is incredibly fast, which will make him inaccessible to other players. The poster wrote, “Call of Duty CHEAT PROVIDERS… are always one step ahead of the anti cheat.”

Cheats have been a problem in Call of Duty games for decades. Activision has developed anti-cheat software, but nothing really worked. However, the developers sometimes seem to be indifferent to these hacks. So, after the recent post, @ItsHapa and other COD players in the comment section unanimously agreed to the fact that Activision is not putting effort into stopping the hackers.

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This is not the only thing that is bothering Warzone players. The cheaters have reached an advanced stage where RICOCHET is unable to detect them.

Advanced Cheaters Are By-Passing RICOCHET Easily in Warzone

Since Warzone was released, players have encountered hundreds of hacks, and the RICOCHET system literally detected and solved nothing. While players often make fun of the anti-cheat system for being useless, a few days back @Zachdubs expressed his unique view on that matter and said, “Warzone cheats have gotten so advanced they’re now able to turn off automatically in-game when being “investigated” by Ricochet.”

The clip he shared with the post, shows how hackers are hacking the screenshots. Whenever an account gets multiple reports, RICOCHET starts taking screenshots of the gameplay of the account and investigates the matter. However, the advanced hacks nowadays, turn off the cheats for some seconds just before RICOCHET takes the screenshot. Therefore, the screenshots won’t display anything unethical. In conclusion, hackers are becoming unstoppable day by day.

The process of stopping Warzone hackers is complicated, but if Activision tries more effectively and introduces more advanced software to detect cheat, maybe they can stop everything. But what the developers are thinking is still unknown.