If you have played the previous Dragon’s Dogma series games, you are certainly aware that these games present players with several character classes which are called Vocations. In Dragon’s Dogma 2 as well, players will get ten vocations to choose from, but the catch here is, that not all of them are unlocked from the beginning of the game. Instead, players need to unlock them as they progress through the story. Unfortunately, Sorcerer is one of those vocations that needs to be unlocked after players have progressed to a certain distance and completed specific activities.

Sorcerers are the spellcasters in the game who can handle enemies by using different spells. Precisely, Sorcerers are the advanced version of Megs in the game. If you want to use some deadly spells to take down enemies, there’s nothing better than choosing the Sorcerers. However, the unlocking process is a bit complicated, and if you are not sure of the exact steps, you may miss it. So, if you need some help to know how to unlock the Sorcerer vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2, this guide will help you with all the required information. 

Dragon’s Dogma 2- Process to Unlock Sorcerer Vocation

In Dragon’s Dogma 2, the process of unlocking the Sorcerer vocation is the same as the process of unlocking the Warrior vocation. Both vocations require players to go through the same process and start the same quest. The only difference is that Klaus requires two different items for these different vocations. Let’s start from the beginning. 

how to unlock the sorcerer vocation in dragon's dogma 2
Interaction with Klaus

The unlock process requires players to go to Vernworth, the biggest location in Vermund, the first kingdom in the game. Once you are at Vernworth, make your way to the Vernworth Vocation Guild. This is the earliest Vocation Guilds to visit in the game and as soon as you enter, you will find Klaus at the desk. Interact with the NPC and he will assign you the Vocation Frustration quest.

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This quest has two different items to find, but both of them require players to reach the same location: Trevo Mine. So, start your journey and first make your way to Roderick’s Smithy, a Blacksmith shop located at the Town Square. Players need to visit him, so he can mark the location of the mine on their map.

Dragon’s Dogma 2- Where to Find The Archistaff?

Once you have reached the Blacksmith’s shop and he has marked the location of the mine on the map, the next task is to make your way to the mine. If you are unaware of the shop’s location, the easiest way to identify it is through its sword icons. Now that that mine location is marked, players need to know what to get to unlock the Sorcerer vocation. For the Sorcerer vocation, they need to look for the Archistaff in the mine. 

Follow the map location to reach the mine. Remember, the path won’t be an easy one. Even outside the mine, there will be Goblins to take down. However, after you have cleared all the roadblocks, enter the mine and progress through the main path until you reach a point where you have to choose one path. The choice is between an elevated path on the right and a sunken path on the left. This must be confusing, but you have to choose the right side path. Climb the rocks and start following it, until the next chamber. From that chamber, head straight and it will take you to a room full of goblins and a bunch of rickety bridges.

how to unlock the sorcerer vocation in dragon's dogma 2
Location of the Archistaff

From this chamber, make your way down to the bottom floor and from here a tunnel will take you to the basement of the mine. You will see a narrow entrance to the basement. Once you enter the basement, you will find a chest in one corner of the room. Open it and you will get the Archistaff: Grievous Horns.

Once you find the item, you can easily leave the location and give it to Klaus and unlock the Sorcerer vocation, but we suggest exploring the mine before you leave. This is not a high-threat location, So, players can explore it without any worry.

Sorcerer Vocation Strengths and Weaknesses

how to unlock the sorcerer vocation in dragon's dogma 2
Enemy Fight as a Sorcerer

Though Sorcerers and Mages have some similar features, still Sorcerers are better than Mages as the former mostly focus on dealing heavy damage. Mages are not great for long-range combats, but that’s where the strength of the Sorcerer lies. They can cast powerful spells from a distance and become immensely helpful in long-range combat. The AoE Spells of Sorcerers can handle several enemies together, which deals hefty damage. 

Additionally, having another spell caster in the team will help players take down challenging enemies faster. This allows them to cast powerful spells back to back which reduces the casting time.
Of course, Sorcerers have lots of powerful spells to cast, but along with them, this vocation also has a few weaknesses to discuss. Before players choose to play as a Sorcerer, they need to be aware of these.

The first and the most troublesome one is that spells require some time to be cast. As a sorcerer, players can’t cast spells rapidly. Therefore, the preparation time makes players vulnerable. Indeed they can run to avoid being easy targets of the enemy, but this movement only increases the casting time further. Therefore, as a Sorcerer, don’t stay close to the enemy. Always maintain a safe distance.

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Another significant disadvantage of being a Sorcerer is that they can’t perform well in close areas. When you are fighting an enemy in the open field, a Sorcerer can do miracles, but as soon as the battle arena becomes a cave, the Sorcerer’s abilities get restricted as they can’t perform spells at close range. At these points, spells take more time to cast. 

Finally, the third and the last big disadvantage of being a Sorcerer is their low defense. This makes them vulnerable to incoming attacks.  

That’s everything players need to know about unlocking Sorcerer in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Though the vocation has several limitations to keep in mind, this vocation is still worth giving a try to cast powerful spells.