A lot of features combinedly made Fortnite one of the most-played battle royales in recent times. While players mostly recognize the battle system and the weapons to be the attractive parts of the game, one can’t deny the side activities that help complete quests and travel faster. Taming animals qualify for both criteria. Naturally, Epic Games introduced this feature to LEGO Fortnite as well. If you have been grinding through the survival world of LEGO Fortnite and haven’t yet figured out how to befriend the animals roaming around you, don’t worry. This guide will give you a detailed walkthrough of how to tame animals in LEGO Fortnite.

Animals are the source of multiple food items and resources in LEGO Fortnite, so you can’t avoid them if you want to progress smoothly. Also, killing them is not always the option to solve problems or get resources from them. Therefore, it’s better to know how you can befriend them.

Best Ways to Befriend Animals in LEGO Fortnite

how to tame animals

If you have played Fortnite, you are probably aware of the way to befriend animals. In LEGO Fortnite, the methods are not much modified. Players must feed the animals their favorite food to become friends. Before progressing further to explain the process in detail, let me tell you, that in LEGO Fortnite, don’t try to tame predators like wolves. Like the battle royale mode, they can’t be your pet if you give them food. Instead, this move may cause your death as the Wolves will attack you after that.

So, first, make sure you are trying to befriend animals like Cows, Sheep, and Chicken. These are the three domesticated animals that you can have on your farm. As soon as you spawn, you will see these three animals roaming around your base and you can kill them to get meat. But that’s not all, they have other roles too, and for that, you must tame them.

Once you find a cow, a sheep, or a chicken, approach quietly and throw them their favorite food. For the cows and sheep, you can use pumpkins or Raspberries but for the chickens choose corn. However, there are really no restrictions, you can offer anything to anyone. They are happy to take your offerings. Once they accept your offers, they will be your pets. You can then have them on your farm.

Now, you may question the relevance of feeding these creatures your food stock as foods are not something easily available. Well, there’s a reason for sure. These animals will give you some necessary items in return. Also, this guide will give you details of making an animal farm in LEGO Fortnite.

What Items Will You Get From Animals in LEGO Fortnite?

Animals are one of the most useful things you can have in LEGO Fortnite. Apart from giving you meat, all these animals have several other resources to give you. For example, Chicken can give you eggs, once you tame them. Also, if you kill them, they will give you meat and feathers. While meat can be a great health replenishment item, feathers can be used for crafting arrows. Also, Eggs can be used to make Fried Egg, Meat Pie, and Bread.

Similarly, taming a sheep will give you wool. Players can use wool to make wool thread using a spinning wheel. Wool Thread is one of the most required ingredients to make a glider and several uncommon and rare quality charms.

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Next, if you are trying to figure out what to find from cows, let me tell you they will give you milk. A few recipes require milk, like, Snowberry Shake and Essence of Health.

how to tame animals

Apart from that, these animals will give you fertilizer. If you want to grow your vegetable farm, fertilizer is one of the most needed things.  But the process to get fertilizer is the trickiest one. These above-mentioned animals drop this item and that’s the only way to get it.

These items can be found randomly on the ground, but that requires a lot of luck. Otherwise, you have to spot a group of animals. The LEGO Fortnite world has several locations where these animals hang out together. Wait for them to leave the place and then search carefully to find fertilizer. Fertilizers are tiny brown resources that you may miss if you are enough careful while searching the area. Anyways, these animal groups don’t drop fertilizer regularly. Sometimes they left without leaving anything behind.

So, if you need a constant supply of all the animal-provided items, it’s best to make a farm and have these animals in your village so, you don’t need to go away.

How to Make an Animal Farm?

how to tame animals

Creating an animal farm is something you need to do to serve various purposes. But the process is a bit problematic if you are not sure about the process. If you need to get milk, egg, wool, and fertilizer without going away from your base, the first thing you need to do is to make some fence. Next, put a pumpkin on the ground and wait until it attracts animals. Corn and Raspberry also work.

Once you see animals gathering around the food, put the fences around the area to block them from running away. Alternatively, you can make the fence and then lure them inside. Make sure to have a gate. However, a farm can’t be made at the early stages of the game. It takes some time before you make the farm.

While making a farm, make sure you have their safety ensured. Predators roam in the night and attack these animals. These helpless animals can’t run away as they are kept inside the farm, they often die. Therefore, you must ensure your farm and the animals are safe. Once your farm is ready, you will get all the resources whenever you want.

That’s all you need to know about how to tame animals in LEGO Fortnite. Taming animals is one of the must-do activities to survive in the game. So, make sure you start doing that from the beginning. Furthermore, if you have been playing this game and are still struggling with the extreme temperatures of the game, check out our guides How to Survive the Cold in LEGO Fortnite, and How to Survive the Heat in LEGO Fortnite to get some help.