Rise of the Ronin is a milestone for Team Ninja in many ways. Not only is it the studio’s first attempt to create an open-world experience akin to Ghost of Tsushima, but it is also their first time crafting a narrative-driven experience. While previous Soulslike titles from Team Ninja like the Nioh franchise or even Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty did have a story, it was simply there to provide a context for explosive action and fine-tuned combat. Indeed, both of these titles faced criticism for poor pacing and execution of their narrative components.

Rise of the Ronin, however, has allowed the studio to flex its narrative chops with aplomb. The story is neatly divided into three main arcs, taking place across Yokohama, Edo, and Kyoto respectively. The choices you make directly affect events in the story, another first for Team Ninja!

To Rise As One

There’s a lot to do in Yokohama!

Yokohama is where your Ronin begins their story, experiencing the manner in which the shogunate aimed to deal with foreigners, mainly Americans. Edo sees the rise of the British faction in the story’s second act while Kyoto is more focused on Japan’s response to both factions.

While the main story is spread out over the three regions quite well, it is Yokohama that introduces you to the game’s many systems and mechanics. It also holds a sizeable chunk of the main narrative and side quests, meaning that it could take a while to get through it all at the cost of progressing the story. You get to meet and engage with members of the pro-shogunate and anti-shogunate factions choosing which side you would like to assist, which in turn impacts the course of the story.

SUGGESTED: How to Complete In Search of New Discoveries (Bond Mission) in Rise of the Ronin

Yokohama is also where you take on Bond Missions for many of the game’s supporting cast, bringing new story beats that explore their motivations and a ton of rewards and gear that help you become a force to be reckoned with!

However, an efficient fast travel system notwithstanding, you could actually choose to move forward with the story as you could always return to Yokohama from either Edo or Kyoto later on. This is a great way to let you experience a truly action-packed narrative while also exploring side content at your own pace. You could also replay missions to alter events to your liking, or simply because they were that good!

How to Return to Yokohama In Rise of the Ronin

The Chosu clan doesn’t mess around!

As you progress the main story, you encounter Naosuke Li, the Red Demon and his faithful stooge The Blue Demon. They are a major presence in the city, and responsible for a lot of the woe that befalls your own group of allies and the local populace. Eventually, the story leads you towards rescuing Shoin Yashida from prison in the Ronin Mission Those Who Know Shoin.

However, things do not go according to plan at the prison complex, mainly due to Shoin’s own acceptance of the price he must pay for Japan’s future. In the aftermath of these events, your Ronin is attacked by the Blue Demon once again, and you and your allies are left with limited choices as to the next best course of action.

Turns out Shoin’s always a step ahead!

At this point, the story then takes you towards Edo, beginning the questline Those Who Gather at Edo. You eventually regroup with your allies at the Saihoji Temple and plan your next move against the formidable pair of Naosuke Li and the Blue Demon.

At this point, you find that Shoin’s final will and testament has made its way to the temple. Called The Testament of the Soul, it is on display in the temple and you are asked by Katsura Kogoro to give it a read.

Time for some light reading?

Interact with the book on its pedestal to unlock the Testament of the Soul, which allows you to relive history and, more importantly, travel between Edo and Yokohama in order to finish up any business you may have had there. You simply have to navigate to the area tab on the menu and select Yokohama to do so.

You can take the ronin out of Yokohama, but not Yokohama out of the ronin.

You may find yourself using it quite regularly as Bond Missions may require you to do so. If you’re looking for help on how to unlock Bond Missions in Rise of the Ronin, we have a ton of guides that could be of use with a lot more on the way. Stay tuned!