Since its launch, Palworld has become a hot topic among the Steam and the Xbox GamePass players. If you have missed the chance to experience the Pokemon series games because of their Nintendo-exclusive nature, Palworld will give you a chance to experience a similar world where the Pokemon are replaced with Pals. However, both are cute and peculiar creatures whom you can assign work to run your world.

Though it is a monster-catching survival game, elements of survival are the key to it. Though the game doesn’t provide players with extremely difficult situations, and players can enjoy the game solo, having a few friends increases the excitement of the game and makes the pal-hunting process a lot more enjoyable. Considering this issue, the developers have included the multiplayer feature in the game, but with some twists.

If you want to play Palworld with a squad, there are two options. Players can choose any of them based on their preference. First, you can create a server and let your friends join it, otherwise, you can join a Public Server to play with strangers. If you are unaware of them, don’t worry, we will discuss each method individually.

Invite Friends to Join Your Server

If you have your squad to accompany you in Palworld, you probably don’t want to join public servers to begin your journey. Creating Customized Private Servers is always the best option in these cases. If you are planning to start a multiplayer Palworld experience, create a Customized Server and invite your friends to join that. Alternatively, if one of your friends is hosting a Dedicated Server, that’s all right as well. You can join his server using the invite.

Before going forward to tell you the method of creating a private server, let me confirm one thing customized private Servers can be created or joined only through Steam. If you have been playing Palworld on Steam, players can create a server or join others. On other platforms, this feature is not available. On other platforms, you can only access Palworld’s built-in multiplayer options. But the servers are not there.

Join a Customized Server in Palworld

To create your own server, first, you need to launch the game and create a single-player world. Remember you can’t directly go to a multiplayer world without creating a single-player world. As your single-player world is ready, the multiplayer world will automatically enabled.

Alternatively, you can access the multiplayer option through the World Settings. No matter how you do, once you have created the world and the multiplayer option is enabled, go to the home screen of the game and start the game. Now you will find the Invite Code in the Options section of the menu. Share the code with other players to let them join your server.

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Now, if you haven’t created the server, but one of your friends did and you have joined his server using the invite code, you have to start the game and navigate to the Main Menu. Select
“Join Multiplayer Game” and enter the invite code you have received. This will direct you to the hosts’s server and play together. Players must remember, in these servers, you can join with 3 more players as these servers include 4 players max.

Join a Public Server

If you are a solo player without any friends to play Palworld, you won’t miss the multiplayer experience. Maybe you will miss the fun to play with your squad, but the multiplayer experience won’t be missed. To do that, start the game and go to the Main Menu. Navigate to the “Join Multiplayer Game” option and it will take you to a list of servers available. You can choose randomly from them or sort them by criteria. If you want your server to have something specific, try searching them with that criterion to check how many servers have it. Additionally, you can put a Server’s IP at the bottom text box to join a specific server.

Dedicated Server List

Once this process is done, players will now be instructed to create a character and choose a spawn location to start playing. These Dedicated public servers can contain 32 players together, and all are probably strangers. So, it will give a different experience to enjoy a game with so many unknown teammates.

Now that you have joined a multiplayer server, you must figure out whether you can do all the activities there or whether these servers let you do something different.

Palworld Multiplayer Mode Activities

Palworld Multiplayer Game

Fortunately, the multiplayer part of Palworld won’t let you miss out on anything that you have experienced in a solo game. From capturing Pals to crafting items, looking for resources, etc., everything you can do in the multiplayer section of the game. This mode provides players with a few advantages. Like, if you want to trade items, you can do it immediately with your squadmates.

Additionally, players can roam together, hunt together, fight together, and even use the machines of each other’s bases. If your friend has built a high-tier machine that you haven’t yet unlocked, you can use the machine on your friend’s base. However, this random access can be alarming sometimes, especially if you have joined a server with random players.

In that case, players can use the passcode security that the game provides for the chests. In Palworld, players can lock their valuable resources and items in chests and secure them with passcodes. Without the code, no one can access the chests. If you don’t feel safe in the multiplayer game, use this feature to guard your items and resources.

Furthermore, a similar passcode can be attached to your base to protect it from others. If you don’t want others to access your base and use your machines and equipment, lock it with a passcode. Players who have the code can only access your base and chests.

That’s all you need to know about how to play Palworld with friends. If you want to try both multiplayer methods, you can do that to figure out which one suits your playing style the best. However, whether in the multiplayer mode or the solo mode, this game has a lot of activities to do and players need to catch pals to get the game running. Of course, things will be a lot easier with companions, but facing challenges solo gives you a different thrill.