Survival horror games are one of the most famous gaming genres with millions of fans. Generally, these games present different concepts to players, but none probably ever presented them with a unique concept like Content Warning. This game is all about exploring the dark Old World and making spooky videos to get viral on SpookTube. However, the journey can’t be continued without upgraded equipment and money is the only way to get upgrades faster.

If you want to make a viral video, you need to focus on making a better-quality video for the audience. Quality comes with a better camera, flashlight, audio instruments, and others. So, purchasing upgraded items must be the priority. If you are unsure of how to make money faster in Content Warning, this guide will help you with all the required information. 

How to Make Money Fast in Content Warning

how to make money fast in content warning
Content Warning Maximum Views

Content Warning differs from other games when it comes to concept. Neither does it follow the traditional concept of fighting ghosts to survive nor does it follow ghost hunting like Phasmophobia. So, it takes some time to understand what to do and how to do it. In this situation, it is indeed tough to figure out the process to make in-game money, but you can’t completely ignore it as a better camera will catch more spooky moments to get viral. 

Don’t worry, if you haven’t yet got the exact ways to earn money in Content Warning. Just remember, your Content is the source of everything in this game. The more your content gets views, the more you will earn money. The earning system works pretty similarly to our real-world social platforms. Without further elaboration, let’s dive into the best ways to make money faster.

Shoot a Short Intro

how to make money fast in content warning
Shooting an Intro

Your video is the key to everything in Content Warning. So, you need to plan your content strategically to attract more audience. In real life, you definitely watch YouTube videos, so, without hesitation follow the way creators plan their videos on YouTube. The first thing to do is to shoot an intro. This must be a short clip of you and your friends leaving the house or going to the ship, etc. 

Spooky clips from Old World exploration won’t give you much views as the audience doesn’t like videos without a proper intro. Shoot an intro and your video will get more views, which eventually gives you lots of money. 

Play With Friends

how to make money fast in content warning
Play with Teammates

Content Warning can be played alone or with friends. While in both cases you can make spooky videos and get views, playing with a team will make things easier for players. Start your multiplayer journey with three more teammates who share the same house and equipment. Once you team up and go exploring the Old World together, you can record interesting moments to increase your views. 

Recording monsters or the surrounding world won’t give you lots of views, but if your friends find some spooky objects or do some weird activities, your video will instantly get more views, rewarding you with more money. You will miss it if you play the game alone.

Focus on Recording Monsters

how to make money fast in content warning
Filming Monsters

In this game, capturing monsters makes the video more exciting and players will get more views. Once you start exploring the Old World, eventually, you will encounter monsters. Of course, these creatures are not peaceful ones that you can film and upload to get views. Instead, the moment, they will spot you or your friends, they will start attacking you and you can even get killed. However, if you can successfully, record the creepy creatures inside the dark underground world, you will have a storm of views and comments on your video.

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This will be the same for both modes. Whether you play the game solo or with friends, capturing monsters will always increase your views. At this point, players need to be aware that shooting one monster once in a video will attract viewers. If you shoot a single creature again and again in a single video, they will lose interest. 

Record New Locations, Objects, and Activities

how to make money fast in content warning
Filming Surrounding

Indeed recording monsters makes your videos more popular among your viewers, but that’s not everything. Showing these creepy creatures for the entire time won’t help you much. Therefore, when you are inside the underground world, try to record other things as well. For example, you can record the new areas as you explore them. Additionally, whenever you or your friends find something unusual like bones or skulls, record the moments to increase views. 

So, it is better to have your camera on while roaming around the dark world. In that case, as soon as something creepy happens, you can record it instantly.

Sacrifice Your Friends

how to make money fast in content warning
Monster Attacking a Teammate

That’s probably the weirdest but the most effective way to increase views on your content. When you are exploring the world with your friends, often creepy creatures attack. Of course, they don’t distinguish between you and your friends, but if you somehow manage to escape the situation, start filming your friend getting killed by the monster. 

It sounds weird, but that’s what you need to do. Don’t try to help him. Just film him getting killed by the monster to reach the maximum views. If you miss the moment, film his corpse and you can even perform emotes in front of his dead body to increase views. In this game, everything is content, including the lives of your teammates. 

These are some of the best ways to get the most views in Content Warning. The more your content gets views, the more you will earn money to purchase upgraded items to survive smoothly and make better videos. When you save some money, purchase a better camera with a more stable battery life. 

Apart from that, another thing to keep in mind while playing Content Warning is that you have to upload your video as soon as possible. The moment you leave the Old World, upload the video you have recorded. The game doesn’t have an editing feature to add or remove content. So, whatever you have recorded is everything you have to upload on SpookTube for views.