Since its release, Palworld has attracted the attention of players across the world. Though the game is said to be a monster-catching and survival game, the latter one is the core of the gameplay. As soon as you spawn, you will realize you have to do everything by yourself to survive first and then catch the Pals. Like most other survival games, in Palworld as well, players need to make their base to survive the dangers of the outer world. That’s the first thing you should focus on in the game.

If you have played survival games before, you may not get puzzled about the base-building process, but for newcomers, this process won’t be an easy one. So, this guide will give you all the required information to make a base in Palworld. Along with that, this guide will later help you with the process of moving your base to a suitable location.

Base Building Process in Palworld Explained

If you have played survival games like Minecraft before, you are well aware that building a base is the most important thing in these games. You can do everything later in the game, but you must focus on building your initial base where you can then place different machines and equipment to craft necessary items. That’s the location where you can make your farms to have a stable chain of ingredient supply.

In Palworld, this process is the same. When you begin your journey, you have nothing. So, players must start from zero to build everything necessary to survive. If you are trying to build your initial base in Palworld, what you need to do is to build a Palbox. That’s a bit weird for sure, but that’s all you need to do.

The Palbox recipe is not available from the beginning. Instead, players need to unlock the recipe by leveling up a bit. Once you reach Level 2, check the Technology Menu and use 1 Technology Point to unlock the recipe. Now that the recipe is received, you can make the base using some basic resources of the game. Below we have listed all the required items:

  • 1x Paldium Fragment
  • 3x Stone
  • 8x Wood
how to make a base
Palworld Palbox Building Process

The question is now where to find these resources. Let’s start with the wood. Wood is the simplest resource to find in the game. Players can easily find wood scattered here and there on the ground. Alternatively, you can hit trees to get wood. But at the initial stages, you can get enough wood on the ground. Pick up the branches.

Coming to the stone, you can find small rocks on the ground. Pick them up and you will get 2 stones at a time. Alternatively, you can hit the big rocks. These can be found throughout the world. You can use your hand or any weapon to hit the rocks. These will allow you to have stones. These two are the simplest resources to acquire. But the third one won’t be as simple as these.

If you are trying to get Paldium Fragments, these are not as common as wood or stone. Instead, you will find spotting them pretty problematic. As you roam around, you will find blue glowing stones. These can be found randomly. Make sure to have a pickaxe or any other weapon to harvest Paldium Fragment from these. At the initial level, this process is enough to get 1 Paldium Fragment for your Palbox.

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Once you have collected all these required ingredients, you can build a Palbox and set your base. Now that you have set your base, you can collect more wood and other resources to build different structures. But there’s another possibility comes with this that players often don’t find the initial location of their base suitable. As they progress, they sometimes want their base to shift to a more suitable location. If you are among them, Palworld will give you the option to shift your base from one location to another.

Palworld Base Shifting Process Explained

After landing in an alien world, it is indeed tough to locate the best location to build the base. This is a time-consuming process and requires lots of exploration of the map. So, the initial base building location can be proved not-so-good when you explore the map. Considering this issue, the developers have introduced the base-shifting feature in the game where you can shift your base to another location without losing any material.

To begin with the process, open your map and locate the base. It will be marked with a palace icon. Hover over the location and you get the prompt, “Disassemble Palbox.” To activate this, you will get the instructed key prompt. If you are playing on PC, it will be the ‘C’ button. For other platforms, you must check the prompt and press the button. Next, a caution will come telling you the effects of the process. Read them and agree to it.

how to make a base
Palbox Disassembling Process

The Disassemble part won’t let you lose anything, including your Pals. All the Pals you have on your base will be stored in the Palbox. No one will left behind or disappear during this process. Also remember, structures that can’t be placed outside the base can be disassembled. Other structures won’t.

The disassemble method is safe and secure, but one thing you must be sure of before you move the base is where you will set it up. First, select a suitable location where you can farm crops and gather resources for all the required items, then move your base there. It will be a great advantage if your base is set up on a massive flat land to build all your farms and equipment close to your base. However, you can move your base anywhere, as long as you find it suitable for your gameplay.

That’s all you need to know about how to build and move the base in Palworld. Once your base is complete you can start building different items and equipment to progress through the game. Additionally, you can catch different Pals to perform different duties on the base. You have to assign them duties based on their type.