Like any Soulslike title, Stellar Blade has multiple endings to choose from. While each of them does make sense to the overall narrative, specific events in them lead to outcomes that can vastly influence a player’s interpretation of the story.

With three possible endings to Stellar Blade’s excellent main story, it’s time to begin chipping away at Eve’s list of tasks toward achieving them all.

The Good, the Bad, and the Canon

Stellar Blade gives you a little homework before its final boss.

Early on in Stellar Blade’s story, Eve runs into Adam, a scavenger who frequents Xion and shares a mysterious connection with Orkal, the elder found within the city. She also meets Lily, a survivor of the 5th Airborne Squadron, with whom she can build a bond of friendship that is tracked by the Affinity Meter.

SUGGESTED: How to Defeat Adam (Elder Naytiba) in Stellar Blade

As Eve gathers Hyper Cells and the Alpha Naytiba Cores, with Lily acting as her engineering support, she learns of events in the past and of the Mother Sphere. She soon discovers the unfortunate fate of humanity’s last remnants and its desperate last stand against the Mother Sphere’s plot.

With three out of the four Alpha Naytiba Cores she needs to access the Elder Naytiba’s Nest, Eve approaches Orkal, who reveals what she began to suspect. She then gains the final Core and heads on over to the Alpha Naytiba’s Nest, to a point of no return for the game’s story.

How to Get All Endings in Stellar Blade

This isn’t even Adam’s final form.

Before you confront the Elder Naytiba, it can make sense to complete a side objective first. Considering how crucial Lily is to Eve’s personal character arc, raising their affinity for each other to the maximum unlocks special conditions in the game’s final moments – and two of the three possible endings for Stellar Blade.

Another important step is to collect the Iberis code from Eidos 9, which unlocks after maxing out Eve’s affinity with Lily. With these objectives complete, you can begin taking on Stellar Blade’s final bosses and witnessing their endings. You may prefer to create save files to load backups in case you are not interested in a New Game+ run.

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Once Eve heads into the Elder Naytiba’s Nest, she finds none other than Adam waiting for her. Eve and Lily are horrified to learn that he is the Elder Naytiba, with a solid set of reasons for his attacks on Mother Sphere’s version of humanity. Adam extends a hand to Eve and offers her a fairly binary choice: she can either choose to align with him or oppose him.

Choosing to reject Adam’s offer results in Eve fighting Adam in an exhilarating boss battle against his Elder Naytiba form. The game ends with Eve and Lily’s final encounter with Adam, unlocking the Return to the Colony ending (and trophy) for Stellar Blade.

When your legs don’t work like they used to before.

The next two endings are tied to accepting Adam’s offer to combine Eve’s EIDOS Android form with Adam’s Elder Naytiba power, creating a new race to take on the Mother Sphere and her tyranny. However, depending on your bond with Lily, her fate now lies in the balance.

As Eve and Adam take their individual power and create an entirely new benchmark for humanity and androids, the Mother Sphere overrides Lily’s mechanical armor, Providence, forcing her to battle against Eve as Stellar Blade’s final boss. Talk about a diabolical villain.

If Eve has not maxed out her bond with Lily, she does not survive her encounter with Eve, and the game ends with the Cost of Lost Memories ending played out and the trophy unlocked.

Finally, with maximum Affinity built with Lily and the Iberis code in your possession, choosing to accept Adam’s offer unlocks the Making New Memories ending, which sees Lily survive her encounter with Eve and a new direction for all of the game’s warring factions.

With all of the endings under your belt, it may be a good idea to dive into New Game +, revisiting all of the outfit locations in the game to collect their variants. Or you could choose to start from scratch entirely and use our Stellar Blade guides to make sure you don’t miss out on anything right from the start.