As a pirate in Skull and Bones, players will encounter various experiences as they progress and explore the open map of the game. This game revolves around the Indian Ocean and players need to sail through the sea to explore the islands surrounding it. Though players start their journey with a small ship and crew, eventually they will realize the need for a bigger ship to stock items and travel to the dangerous parts of the ocean. Sunken Goldmine is necessary to visit to get one of the most precious ships of the game. However, the location is not easy to access and players probably look for some help. In that case, if you are trying to figure out how to find Sunken Goldmine location in Skull and Bones, we will try to help you with all the required information.

The route is full of dangers, so, it is natural that players expect something grand there. Don’t worry, you will get something worth your efforts. We will discuss everything in the guide.

Where to Find the Sunken Goldmine in Skull and Bones?

Open-world action-adventure games often have numerous locations to explore. These locations are integrally related to the story of the game and if players miss these locations, they will miss several important equipment. That’s the exact case in Skull and Bones. As you sail through the game, you will find different islands, and all of them are somehow important in the story of the game. Players need to disembark to explore them thoroughly. So, if you are looking for the Sunken Goldmine, you will need to travel to the Harufu region.

To begin your journey, players need to make their way to the Sainte-Anne. This is the first major location that players will unlock by completing the New Horizons quest. This quest requires you to make your way to Sainte-Anne, overcoming all the difficulties like the dangerous reefs and unpredictable weather patterns. Once you reach Sainte-Anne, several avenues will open for you to explore and the Sunken Goldmine is among them.

sunken goldmine location
Sunken Goldmine Map Location

If you are looking for the location of the Goldmine, let me tell you, this can be found in the Harufu region on the Coast of Africa. From Sainte-Anne, players need to start sailing towards the west side of the sea, and eventually, they reach the Red Isle region. Sail through the rivers of Red Isle. Now to figure out the Sunken Goldmine, players must have a good idea of the symbols that appear on the map. Look for an outpost marker located on the northwest section of the lumber marker.

This path is full of dangers. To access the island, players need to cross the open sea area and reach the islands lining the Coast of Africa. Sail past them and you will find the winding rivers. This is the most dangerous part of this journey and players must be cautious about their safety. If you take your safety lightly, you will get into trouble as hostile ships patrol these areas openly. Players need to avoid them to proceed toward their destination. We recommend avoiding these ships as they are not suitable to fight. Get into fights, when they are necessary. Otherwise, don’t attract their attention and sail through the parts sneakily.

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Once you get past these dangerous areas, you will eventually reach the Sunken Goldmine. Initially, it will be an outpost. Disembark and unlock the fast travel there. So you can save time and effort to reach the location next time.

Now that you have reached the location, you must be curious why you must take this journey. Well, this location will provide you with the Sloop Blueprint. This is one of the most powerful ships you can unlock in Skull and Bones.

How to Get Sloop Blueprint and Craft the Ship?

Action-adventure games generally have a powerful crafting system that allows players to make the best types of equipment possible. Similarly, Skull and Bones has the same feature. Players can craft different items from time to time to make their journey smooth. However, the crafting system is based on two key aspects: Blueprints and ingredients. Without them, nothing can be crafted. So, if you are looking for the Sloop ship, you need to get the blueprint first.

sunken goldmine location
Sloop Ship Blueprint

The Sloop Blueprint can easily be found from Ungwana Merchant Vendor. As soon as you reach the Sunken Goldmine, you will see this NPC standing on the left side of the beach. Go near him and interact with him to check the items he sells. The first thing you must try to purchase is the Sloop Ship blueprint.

The purchase process generally requires a set amount of Silver Coins or Gold Coins. The process is not different, but a bit tricky. The tricky must be known to the players before they approach the merchant. The Sloop blueprint requires you to spend 4,950 silver, which is a pretty heavy price. But that’s not all. Additionally, the Blueprint requires players to have Buccaneer Rank 1. It can be acquired by leveling up their Infamy.

Now if you match all the criteria and purchase the blueprint, you need to have the following resources to build the ship:

  • 8x Cobalt Ingot
  • 4x Lime
  • 8x Fine Hemp
  • 4x Casting Sand
  • 2700 Silver

Sloop is a powerful ship with DPS. If players attach the right weapons to it, it can deal heavy damage to the enemies. The explosive you throw from the ship will have a 50% chance of creating 1500 damage to the 150-meter radius. So, once you build it, it’s probably time to say goodbye to your current ship.

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Apart from the Sloop Ship blueprint, this merchant can sell you several other blueprints like Bombard III, Demi-Cannon Works I, and Kallinikos Flame I. You can purchase and craft these items to make some progress.

That’s everything players need to do to find Sunken Goldmine in Skull and Bones. As they progress, they will eventually realize the need to have a powerful ship to explore difficult locations and fight dangerous enemies. It’s impossible to avoid all the patrolling ships or other pirate enemies. So, it is better to meet the requirement as soon as possible and get Sloop Ship.