Ghost of Tsushima introduces its players to a few local legends through its Mythic Tales. Acting as explorations of some of Tsushima’s finest warriors, these missions allow Jin to unlock unique armor and Weapon Techniques to use in his fight against the Mongols. 

However, not all Mythic Tales lead Jin toward heroes. Some of Tsushima’s finest fighters have less than altruistic motives, requiring Jin to meet them head-on and end their villainy once and for all. But it takes a nasty villain to make the finest of heroes, and the rewards from defeating these foes make them worth seeking out. 

A Score to Settle

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Jin’s search for Yasuhira leads him to this location.

Yasuhira Koga is one such character in Ghost of Tsushima, whose actions set off the Heavenly Strike Mythic Tale. Jin first learns of Yasuhira’s existence when he comes across a bunch of civilians who have been brutally cut down.

The musician Yamato informs Jin that it was Yasuhira being ruthless in his search for knowledge of the Heavenly Strike, an ability that made one’s sword too fast for the eye to see. And he has thrown in with the Mongols to achieve his ends.

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After a long pursuit, Jin finally tracks Yasuhira to a small town where the Mongols have set up camp. Eliminating them reveals that Yasihura has identified the site where the Heavenly Strike was first used, and a few clues as to the descendants of Shinegori, the original master of the technique. 

Jin rushes over to Shinegori’s Rest to find that Yasuhira wants revenge on him and Lord Shimura. As a former retainer for Clan Yarikawa, he was exiled for his role in their rebellion, returning to Tsushima to take out Lord Shimura – and his nephew.

We have a fight on our hands. 

How to Defeat Yasuhira Koga in Ghost of Tsushima

Ghost of Tsushima’s way of introducing a new mechanic.

While Yasuhira may not be as deadly as other bosses in Ghost of Tsushima, he can be a challenge considering that this Mytic Tale takes place very early in the story and the Heavenly Strike is probably the first weapon technique you are unlocking. It looks like swordplay is Kin’s only option for this fight.

However, that does not mean that Yasuhira has the upper hand. Like any other boss fight in the game, a defensive playstyle can turn the tide in your favor. This fight is easy if you simply keep an eye on Yasuhira’s weapon and either parry or dodge accordingly. 

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Yasuhira is faster than other swordsmen Jin has encountered up until this point in the game. But his quick attacks can and must be parried, throwing him off balance. When staggered, he tends to take a low stance, which is an indicator of an incoming upward slash for Jin to parry. With the right timing, landing a perfect parry here can work wonders in depleting his posture enough for a series of strikes – and some heavy damage. 

Yasuhira puts up quite a fight!

His unblockable attacks come in the form of rush attacks from a distance, or Jin’s flank in close quarters. Both attacks are preceded by a red flash on Yasuhira’s sword, indicating that the attack must be dodged. Do not attempt to parry these attacks as you will take damage even with the right timing. 

Yasuhira can be a challenge simply because he varies his attack patterns well, never settling into specific combos. But learning his attack patterns is key to winning the fight – and to Jin managing to learn the Heavenly Strike every time the former retainer of Yarikawa attempts to use it on him.

Eventually, when his health is low enough, you are prompted to use the Heavenly Strike on Yasuhira, Jin having picked it up by observing him. Executing it by simultaneously pressing L1 and R1 on your controller to end the fight. 

The Heavenly Strike is now available for Jin to use against the Mongols. With the new Weapon Technique under your belt, perhaps it’s time for some new armor to boost your defenses. In any case, our Ghost of Tsushima guides are sure to guide you towards every corner of the island – and its secrets.