Challenging enemies is one of the primary attractions of the shooter games and Helldivers 2 is not an exception. The moment players dive into the mission of protecting the Super Earth, they will realize the way is full of obstacles and the most challenging ones are placed by the Automaton and Terminid enemies. Initially, the Automaton or the robot enemies seem to be more challenging, but the fact is little different. When you face both, you will understand the Terminid enemies or the bug enemies are the most fearsome obstacles to remove. 

Unfortunately, Terminid enemies come in different sizes and shapes and are known for their heavy armor, faster speed, deadly attacks, etc. Warriors match almost all these criteria. These are heavily armored enemies with deadly attacks. Only their speed is the relaxing thing for players. Therefore, if you are trying to figure out how to defeat Warriors in Helldivers 2, we will try to provide you with all the required information. 

Before going to the fighting process, first let’s check where these bugs spawn in the game. So, players can be prepared to fight them.

Helldivers 2 Warriors Location- Where to Find?

how to defeat warriors
Warrior Location in Helldivers 2

Among all other Terminid enemies players will encounter Warriors most often when they try to complete a mission. However, if you haven’t yet encountered Warriors, and are looking for them, you have to start completing missions at the areas where Terminid enemies spawn. On the Galactic War map, you will see a yellow marked portion. Planets in that area will spawn Terminid enemies, including Warriors. So, select any Terminid mission and start your journey to encounter these enemies.

Luckily, Warriors spawn from the easiest difficulty level to the hardest one. Therefore, you don’t need to increase your difficulty level to meet these bugs. However, the more the difficulty level, the more these bugs will spawn. 

If you have faced Chargers or Bile Titans, Warriors may not seem challenging, but these bugs are indeed hard to defeat. They may not match their size, but they match the power and abilities of the hardest Terminid enemies. As the name suggests, these are the main warriors to fight in the game. Therefore, don’t judge them by their size. 

Before going for the fight, make sure to get prepared with all the required weapons and stratagems.

Helldivers 2 Warrior Fighting Preparation

If you are playing Helldivers 2, fights are the most common thing  in the game. Players need to take down enemies at every step to complete missions or explore locations. Warriors are one of the most common enemies of the Terminid faction so players will often find them blocking their path. Therefore, the first thing players need to know is the weapons they have to use to remove these enemies.

To fight armored enemies, players always need to choose weapons that deal heavy damage. So, we recommend using AR-23P Liberator Penetrator Assault Rifle, or SG-225 Breaker Shotgun as the primary weapon.  Among these two weapons, AR-23P Liberator Penetrator will help players land heavy attacks to break the armor of the enemy. Additionally, this weapon has a decent magazine size which reduces the effort of reloading the gun frequently. Therefore, this automatic weapon is a great way to tear enemies apart. 

how to defeat warriors
Warriors Fighting Preparation in Helldivers 2

Coming to SG-225 Breaker, this weapon is one of the best shotguns available in the game which can take down enemies in two shots. This weapon is unparalleled at close range, but it is almost equally good at mid-range. Apart from these two weapons, players can also use Punisher shotgun and Redeemer Pistol.

Among the Stratagems, players can easily choose Autocannon, Grenade Launcher, or Eagle Strikes for explosive damage to break the armor of the enemy. Explosive damage is effective against Warriors to break their frontal armor. 

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If you have all these weapons and stratagems available choose the ones you prefer. Otherwise, equip the weapons or stratagems that you have unlocked. Once you are prepared for the fight, let’s check the fighting strategies and the weaknesses of the enemy.

Warrior Fighting Strategies in Helldivers 2- Weakness of the Enemy

Warriors are not very challenging enemies, but still they have the power to eliminate players in an instant. When you first encounter a Warrior, you will notice their razor-sharp claws and armored shells which make them deadly bugs. Initially, they come with a group of small Terminid enemies like Scavengers or Hunters and these bugs will attack you first. After you deal with these small enemies, you will fight the Warrior. 

Explosive damages are always the best way to control crowd. So, you can use Eagle Strikes or Anti-Tank stratagems to deal with the group of these small enemies. Using these will blow out the entire group, making the fight easier. 

Fortunately, Warriors don’t have various attacks. Instead, they only have their claw attack where the bug will try to attack players using their metal claw. If the attack lands successfully, players will die almost instantly. The only good part here is that if you make distance from the enemy, you can be safe, as Warriors move pretty slow. 

how to defeat warriors
Warrior Fight in Helldivers 2

The armor of the enemy is the most tricky part in the entire fight. Because of the armor, it is useless to attack Warriors randomly anywhere. Fortunately, like every other enemy, Warrior also has weak spots to deal damage. If you want to attack the enemy, you have to target its abdomen part which is underneath the shell. Otherwise, try to hit their head. These are the two parts where these bugs take most damage. Make sure you have set your aim properly before you shoot; or else, you will waste lots of ammo in this fight.

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This fight will take more time if you are doing it solo. If you have a squad to fight the Warrior, this battle won’t take long as you can attack the enemy from different sides to break its armor and deal massive damage. Also, this will divert the attention of the enemy, reducing your risk factor.

That’s everything players need to know about defeating Warriors in Helldivers 2. This fight probably seem to be a challenging one, but once you understand the attack pattern and figure out a proper strategy, you can easily deal with them.