Powerful enemies are an integral part of action role-playing games. They add excitement and thrill to the gameplay to make the game more attractive to players. Memorable boss fights take the popularity of a game to a new height. Capcom understands this mindset of gamers well. Therefore, they have included all the required features in the most awaited sequel of the year, Dragon’s Dogma 2. While the game has a wide, mysterious open world to explore, it also has numerous enemies to fight throughout the journey and the One-Eyed Interloper is among them.

From mythical creatures to Cyclopes, the game has a range of formidable enemies to face in the game. While Cyclopes are common enemies to face in the game, the One-Eyes Interloper is one of the earliest bosses to locate. However, don’t take it lightly because of its early appearance in the game. It has the power to eliminate you, if you are not careful enough. Therefore, if you are trying to figure out how to defeat the One-Eyed Interloper in Dragon’s Dogma 2, this guide will help you with all the required information. 

Let’s start with the location of the One-Eyed Interloper in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Dragon’s Dogma 2- One-Eyed Interloper Location

dragon's dogma 2 how to defeat the one-eyed interloper
One-Eyed Interloper Location in Dragon’s Dogma 2

We have already mentioned that facing Cyclops in the roads of Vermund and Battahl is common, but things start taking a different turn when these Cyclops become the armed ones, who come to fight players with a giant club in their hands. One-Eyed Interloper is among these giant armed cyclops, but players can’t randomly find him on the streets of Vermund or Battahl.

Precisely, One-Eyed Interloper is a quest that players need to complete to progress through the main story of the game. This quest tasks players with two objectives: first, it requires them to defeat the Cyclops, and next, they have to make their way to Vernworth.

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Vernworth is one of the most important locations in the game and players can’t skip visiting the place. Therefore, they have to proceed through the main story quest line and fight the armored Cyclops to complete the One-Eyed Interloper mission. 

As you follow Gregor, you will eventually come to a river-area blocked by a wall of rocks. This is the home to the giant cyclops that is the subject of this guide. Remember that Cyclops are massive creatures and with clubs in hands, they become formidable. So, players need to be prepared for the fight, or else, they have to give it another try. Now, let’s check the strategies that players can use to take the enemy down.

Dragon’s Dogma 2- Strategies to Complete One-Eyed Interloper Fight Faster

Cyclops are not easy enemies to deal with, especially when you are also at the early stages of the game. Though they don’t have a variety of attacks, still their attacks are deadly. If a few of their attacks land successfully, a chunk of your health will be drained. So, before you face the One-Eyed Interloper, make sure you have at least one pawn as a Mage. It will help the entire team to get healed. 

dragon's dogma 2 how to defeat the one-eyed interloper
Cyclops Fight in Dragon’s Dogma 2

About your Arisen character, it is better if your Arisen is an Archer or Warrior. Both these classes have the best abilities to fight the Cyclops. Though the enemy is giant, it still has some weak spots that players can target to take it down as soon as possible. If you haven’t yet figured out the weak spots of the enemy you are fighting, let me tell you, target its head and legs. Players can either stay at a distance and use the arrows to hit the head of the enemy, or come close to the enemy and constantly hit on his legs from behind. In both cases, it will take lots of damage.

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Apart from that, another thing players can try is while the Pawns distract the Cyclops, they can climb the legs of the enemy to reach its head. Once you are on its head, use your sword to hit any area of the enemy’s body to deal substantial damage. However, it is still a bit risky. So, better if you choose to be a Warrior and stick to the legs of the enemy. Keep hitting the legs and the enemy will soon fall. This will allow players some time to deal damage. 

dragon's dogma 2 how to defeat the one-eyed interloper
Fire Attack at Cyclops

Additionally, another vocation that can effectively work against the Cyclops, is the Mage. Being a Mage players can use fire attacks on the enemy, which deals significant damage to him. If you use the Flagration spell on the enemy, it will deal damage over time, draining its health. 

Once the enemy is dead, it is the time to break the wall and free the trapped water flow. Well, that will be a flood which can even knock down you and your party members. Don’t worry, it won’t kill anyone. Anyway, ensure you have picked up all the valuable items from the corpse of the Cyclop before breaking the stone wall. To release the water players can use their sword. If they don’t work, you can also use the explosive barrels. Pick them up from the shore and throw them at the rocks to have a blast which releases the water flow. Once you are done, keep progressing towards Vernworth.

Rewards for Fighting the One-Eyed Interloper in Dragon’s Dogma 2

dragon's dogma 2 how to defeat the one-eyed interloper
One-Eyed Interloper in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Now that you have won this challenging fight, it is natural that you are expecting some valuable rewards. Unfortunately, the game won’t give you anything for defeating the Cyclops. As one of the earliest bosses of the game, players can’t really get armor or weapons as rewards from the fight. However, the game doesn’t disappoint them entirely, as players can pick up Rugged Bones and Misshapen Eyes from the body of the Cyclops. These are enchantment materials in the game. 

That’s all you need to know about how to defeat One-Eyed Interloper in Dragon’s Dogma 2. If you are still struggling to defeat the enemy and looking for a way to survive, we hope this guide will give you all the necessary information about the fight.