The latest PlayStation 5 title Stellar Blade can have multiple endings depending on the choices of the player. After spending hours on alien-infested Earth, players will have to choose before the final confrontation begins. Before the final confrontation, players will meet Adam who at the beginning of the game introduces himself to Eve as a survivor. They travel to Xion, the last surviving human city on Earth and Eve’s adventure begins. However, the plot takes a twist in the end when it is revealed that Adam is the Elder Naytiba.

In the end, when Eve meets Adam, he reveals his true form as the Elder Naytiba and asks Eve to cooperate with him. Adam says that the only way forward is for him and Eve to fuse. He further continues by saying that this fusion will create a superrace that can survive on Earth.

Thus, Eve will have to choose whether she would accept Adam’s offer or she wants to reject it. The boss battle with Providence will happen if Eve takes the option to fuse with Adam. In this guide, we have provided all the tips you need for defeating Providence in Stellar Blade.

Who is Providence, the Final Boss of Stellar Blade?

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The Providence is the final boss in Stellar Blade

When Adam offers his hand to Eve, Lily advises against it. But Eve will go with the choice you make and take Adam’s hand. Both of them will start combining together as they start glowing with Eve transforming into a new being with wings and an angelic crown.

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All this time Lily was warning Eve not to accept Adam’s offer but as soon as Eve reappears after fusing with Adam her exoskeleton will override. Detecting Naytiba’s energy the exoskeleton will trap Lily inside and charge toward Eve. This exoskeleton armor is known as ‘Providence’ and it will be the boss that players will have to defeat to end the game.

How to Defeat Providence in Stellar Blade

The first stage of the battle against Providence is simple as you can engage in aggressive combat with the boss. Stay close to Providence and parry its attacks. Make sure to strike it with your blade while parrying its attacks. Stun grenades can be used to hit Providence and gain some time to unleash your attacks. This attacking strategy works perfectly at the beginning of the fight which will help in damaging the boss’ health. When thirty percent of its health is lost the Providence will charge up its fists with orange electricity.

The Providence launching projectiles

This stage of the fight is a bit difficult compared to the previous one. The beastly exoskeleton will unleash four quick attacks on you which need to be parried with perfect timing. If you time the first two parries perfectly, the Providence will stop after the two attacks. As you keep on dodging and parrying the attacks your Burst and Beta meter will fill up.

Direct your Burst and Beta abilities toward the Providence. These attacks will cause a severe setback and it will even stop attacking temporarily. Watch it for the slam attacks which are extremely powerful but can be parried away with perfect timing. The slam attacks usually come after two successive heavy attacks followed by a slam.

The Providence has an array of attacks at its disposal. Be mindful to watch out for the glowing electricity in its hands which signals an array of laser beams is coming your way. Dodge the laser beams and a rippling jump attack will also come your way which can be evaded by jumping. Along with these multiple attacks, the Providence also fires bombs at you. The attacking methods in this phase are quite similar to the Maelstorm battles.

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During this phase of the battle, it’s very difficult to get close and attack the Providence with your sword. Your ranged attacks will come in handy during this time since you are maintaining distance from the Providence. Unleash your ranged attacks comprised of stingers and slugs. Your ammo arsenal will be depleted so gather ammos whenever the Providence drops them. Since this is the final boss battle it will leave little to no room for breathing. Watch out while gathering ammos as Providence will deploy its melee attacks which must be parried away.

The first two rounds of the battle are fought on the ground. Once this is over, Providence will fly into the air with its blue electric wings glowing. These wings are capable of launching an instakill attack. You will have to shoot them quickly to avoid the instakill attacks. It’s the same as the Unidentified Naytiba, except there are six rather than three. At this point, Providence will fall down, charge forward and push the Triangle button for ‘Retribution’. This should be enough to significantly damage its health with only one-third remaining. Continue repeating the same attacking strategy mentioned above to weaken Providence until the cutscene begins.

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Eve delivers her final blow on Providence

In this cutscene, Lily will try to override the exoskeleton but it will knock her out with a powerful electric shock. Providence will now attack you in its overloaded mode. But Eve doesn’t quiver as she prepares to fight back. Eve will go through a transformation as wings sprout out of her back and her sword transforms into a curved blade. This curved blade has been used several times before while fighting Alpha Naytibas. Eve will also be able to unlock four new special attacks, which replace her Beta attacks.

As the battle reaches its penultimate moment, a timer pops up. You will have to destroy the last remaining health of the Providence within two minutes. Although you will have to race against time defeating the Providence will be easy at this point since none of your attacks will need recharging. Hold the exoskeleton down with Triangle and unleash lethal attacks by pressing the Circle and Square buttons.

At times you may have to press X to make a defensive block, but you shouldn’t need it much if you keep on charging at the Providence with aggression. Eve will direct all of her power towards the exoskeleton armor and in a fit of rage she will continue cutting down its mechanical parts one by one. Providence will finally succumb as Eve strikes it from the middle with her blade.

If you’ve struggled to beat Providence, don’t worry, that’s the last boss fight… until New Game +. For that, check out all our Stellar Blade guides.