Team Ninja is always been renowned for their action-packed games and the latest RPG Rise of the Ronin is no exception. In the brutal in-game world of the game, players have to experience lots of unexpected twists and turns and go through challenges to reach the climax. Among these challenges, formidable enemies come at the top and there’s no way players can ignore them in the process. From Matthew Perry, the challenge begins and continues until the end. So, struggling with Kimenzan the Crusher is something ubiquitous

In Rise of the Ronin, bosses are almost inevitable to complete a mission. Sometimes missions even have more than one boss to fight. So, it is necessary to be prepared for a fight every time you start a mission. Kimenzan the Crusher is one of the strongest enemies to deal with and of course, he will appear as part of a mission. We would recommend not to fight him underprepared. Therefore, this guide will help you learn about the process of defeating Kimenzan the Crusher.

Before going further into the fight, let’s check the location and other details to take the boss down.

Rise of the Ronin- Kimenzan the Crusher Location- Where to Find the Boss?

kimenzan the crusher rise of the ronin
Kimenzan the Crusher Location

Formidable enemies are all part of main story missions. Like other action RPGs, Rise of the Ronin has multiple missions to explore the story and understand the events. However, all of them require you to deal with one or more than one boss. Similarly, if you want to find Kimenzan the Crusher, you have to start the Those Who Know Shoin main story mission. 

This mission is a long mission with a few sub-missions. Among them Infiltrate the Prison Complex is the one which will take you to the boss’ location. As you progress through it, eventually towards the end of the sub-story mission, you will access the inner cell of the prison. Inside it, Master Shonin is locked. While players will try their best to open the cell, the boss will appear.

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Once the boss is here, there’s no way to escape the situation without fighting. As a crucial boss of the game, the enemy won’t let players go without a hard fight. So, make sure you have stocked Healing Potions and Medical Pills to revive your lost health after getting injured every time. 

Kimenzan fight requires some strategic planning where defense should be more emphasized than attacking the boss randomly. If you jump into the fight, without prior knowledge of how to survive, your efforts will surely be wasted.

Tips and Strategies to Fight Kimenzan the Crusher in Rise of the Ronin

kimenzan the crusher rise of the ronin
Kimenzan the Crusher Fight

If you have faced Kimenzan the Crusher, the first thing you need to do is to keep some distance from the enemy and try to learn his moves. This is one of the most effective ways to counter his attacks. When you are not sure what the boss will do, you can’t fight him. So, to determine your moves, you need to be accustomed to the opponent’s attacks. In this process, don’t forget about your defense. If you become off-guard, it won’t take long for the boss to take you down.

The most relaxing part of this fight is that the boss is not a very agile one who moves faster and launches quick attacks back-to-back. So, players will get some time to prepare for the next attack. Initially, the boss uses a large club with sharp nails sticking to it. Let me tell you that’s scary. This may not have a fast movement, but it has a great range. If you come within the range and fail to protect yourself, you will surely lose a chunk of your health.

The range of these attacks makes them almost impossible to dodge. So, it is better if you don’t try to dodge them. Instead, go for parrying these attacks. Sometimes, these attacks end with a red glow, which makes them unblockable. In those cases, even parrying seems tough. Therefore, players need to dodge them at any cost. 

kimenzan the crusher rise of the ronin
Kimenzan the Crusher Red Glowing Attack

The catch here is that most of Kimenzan’s attacks are red attacks. So, players need to be very cautious throughout the fight. Apart from the club attack, another red attack that the boss frequently uses is the series of melee attacks. Additionally, the boss glows red during the attack where he tries to catch the hero. This is dangerous as the boss will increase his speed and try to grab the player. If you fail to avoid his grab, he will catch you and hit you hard with his weapon.

The final attack of Kimenzan is the lunging attack. This is also a red attack and must be dodged. Otherwise, the boss will hit hard and players have no option to avoid the consequences. Most of these attacks are tough to parry as they are almost unblockable attacks. However, to reduce the chance of getting hit by these attacks, keep moving. 

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The more you parry or dodge the attacks, the more the enemy will get weaker, enabling you to deal serious damage to him. However, don’t try to speed up this process. Instead, wait patiently, and eventually, you will get the chance to hit hard and drain some health of the boss. Also, make sure to have companions, so the boss’s attention doesn’t center around you. Players can choose any support character they prefer, but having allies will boost confidence and enable opportunities to deal more damage to the enemy.

Additionally, use the most suitable combat style for the enemy. Since the fight begins, a little arrow will be displayed next to the boss’ health bar. If it is blue, you can rest assured that your combat style is perfect for the fight. However, if it turns red, players need to change the combat style as it won’t take the boss down.

This fight is a little more challenging than others and consumes some time. However, don’t lose patience and try to speed up the process. Strategy is the key to this fight and players must stick to their strategy to deal with Kimenzan the Crusher in Rise of the Ronin.