Being a hardcore action-adventure fan, it is almost impossible for someone not to hear about Ghost of Tsushima. Initially released on PlayStation 4, in 2020, this game is probably one of the biggest hits in PlayStation’s history. Finally, after a significant gap of 4 years, PC players are going to get the chance to experience the first Mongol invasion of Japan as Jin Sakai. Well, as expected, boss fights are key to progress in the game, and Khotun Khan should be tackled with care and strategy.

The story of Ghost of Tsushima is fictional, but it is based on real events. So, often players will find references to real-life characters, such as Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan was a powerful Mongolian emperor and a renowned historical character who initiated the Mongol invasion of Japan. In the game, the character of Khotun Khan is based on this deadly Mongolian warrior. Therefore, players must be prepared for the toughest fights of the game when they encounter this boss. So, expectedly, if you have been struggling to deal with Khotun Khan in Ghost of Tsushima, this guide will help you with every necessary detail.

Khotun Khan Location in Ghost of Tsushima – Where to Find the Boss?

defeat khotun khan ghost of tsushima
Ghost of Tsushima Khotun Khan Location

Khotun Khan is one of the final bosses of the game. So, it should not be difficult to guess the challenge this character will pose to Jin Sakai. Basically., players should not have to guess it as they must have faced this Mongol leader during the prologue of the game and faced a pathetic defeat. That’s enough to understand the strength of the boss when they face him again at the end of the game. 

As you start progressing through the main story of the game, eventually, players will reach towards the end where the Eternal Blue Sky main quest is waiting for them. Therefore, there’s no possibility of players missing the boss encounter. As part of this mission, Khotun Khan will appear with his unique and extremely powerful skills.

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Before going further into the fighting process, one thing to remember is that this fight needs you to master the skills to beat enemies in one-on-one duels and groups as the final boss is going to bring both stages to the game before he finally accepts defeat. The fight will be difficult for sure, but carefully watching out for the attacks of the enemy and having a thorough knowledge of Jin’s abilities will help you handle the combat successfully. 

The fight is divided into two phases and in both phases, the boss will use unique strategies to attack. So, let’s check them out carefully to prepare a counter-strategy.

Khotun Khan Fight- Phase 1

defeat khotun khan ghost of tsushima
Khotun Khan Unblockable Attacks

In the first phase, the boss will come for a 1v1 fight with a giant halberd in his hand. So, the first thing players need to do is to keep a safe distance, so the boss can’t find you within his weapon’s range. The boss will primarily focus on swing attacks with the weapon and these are mostly unblockable attacks. So, dodging them is the only way to avoid damage. 

Apart from this, the boss has a few more attacks that players need to be careful of. Among them, the most troublesome one is the heavy attacks. Fortunately, these attacks can be parried, if players properly timed it. If these heavy attacks are parried in time, they will break the defense of the boss. Otherwise, they are enough to eliminate players. 

If the gap between the boss and you is reduced, the boss will either launch a very fast handle bash or he will spin his halberd around him while stepping back. The second attack is dangerous as players can’t block it, even if they can’t easily dodge it. Therefore, make sure that you keep a safe distance throughout. 

To give your defense a boost, players can use the Samurai Clan Armor, Gosaku’s Armor, or the Sakai Clan Armor. These will help you substantially reduce the damage when you get a hit. Additionally, try to use Wind and Moon Stance to deal damage to the boss. Keep parrying his attacks to break his defense, and your attacks will deal more damage.

Khotun Khan Fight- Phase 2

defeat khotun khan ghost of tsushima
Khotun Khan Second Phase Fight

As soon as the first phase comes to an end, the boss will escape to the warship and start sending his soldiers to cover for him. So, this is the stage where the fight will become more challenging. However, the only thing that will make this fight a bit easier for you is the unlocking of the Ghost Weapons. Make sure you use them the most to get the highest effect.

This stage will become puzzling and overwhelming. Though the boss will come with the same moves, this time you will see no health bar. Additionally, the associates of Khotun Khan will often surround you from all sides to give you a hard time. Don’t hesitate to use Dance of Wrath to clear out the area around you, whenever required. Archers will target you from both sides. Tackle them carefully.

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At this phase as well, players need to use Wind or Moon Stance on the boss. Swap them as required and kill enemies to get resolve. It is necessary for healing your moves and the character. If the fight gets too intense to handle, we recommend using smoke bombs to buy some time and get a cover. This will help you get a few stealth kills. Even players can launch some stealth attacks on the boss.

This fight is not the one to end sooner. Instead, players need to prepare for another short phase which will start when they have done enough damage to the boss. The boss will fall on the ground and a prompt will instruct you to press a certain button to switch the boss’s weapon. From the Halberd, now the boss will come to sword and shield. 

During the third phase as well, the fight will be the same from both sides. The boss won’t change attacks; so players also don’t need to revise strategy. Only watch out for the Shield Bash attack, as it is an unblockable attack. This phase will end with a cutscene and the boss fight is done.

That’s everything players need to know before going to fight Khotun Khan in Ghost of Tsushima. In this fight, make sure to prioritize your defense more than offense.