Once you initiate your Stellar Blade journey, the first thing you will realize is that at every point of the game, a boss is waiting for you. Most importantly, none of them are easy to take down. Irrespective of when they appear, each of these world bosses gives you a hard time beating them. So, you can’t expect the Juggernaut to be someone different. As soon as it appears, it will show you how powerful this creature is.

Being a major boss of the game, it is mandatory to fight it at some point in the game. Fortunately, this point comes a little late in the game. This tanky boss is not easy to deal with, so if you are looking for some help, that’s completely natural. In this guide, we will give you a complete walkthrough of the defeating strategies. Let’s begin with the boss’ location.

Stellar Blade Juggernaut Location: Where to Find the Boss?

how to defeat juggernaut in stellar blade
Juggernaut boss location in Stellar Blade.

Before going forward to the boss fight strategy, some basic information about the boss needs to be understood, and where you will find the boss is the primary one among them. This gigantic Naytiba will be found after players start exploring Matrix 11, one of the vital areas of the game. As you start exploring the region, eventually you will come to the Temporary Armoury section. This is where the Juggernaut boss is waiting for you. 

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Going underprepared for the fight is just another way of committing suicide in the game. So, we suggest not doing that. Instead, stop at the Supply Camp before the boss fight arena and heal Eve’s health, upgrade weapons, and unlock the necessary skills and abilities. There’s no need to speedrun, so take your time and prepare Eve for the fight. 

Once you are ready to face the gigantic boss, it is time to figure out the best strategies to beat the Juggernaut.

How to Defeat Juggernaut in Stellar Blade

Juggernaut is not only a tough boss to fight, but one of the ugliest enemies Eve has encountered in her journey to that point. The boss has a metallic mask on his face, along with tentacles growing out of his head, which gives him a scary look. He wields a giant sledgehammer, and that’s the primary weapon the boss will use throughout the fight. Generally, boss fights are not that speedy in Stellar Blade, but Juggernaut will break the convention with his exceptional violence and quick speed.

Players often prioritize their offense over their defense, but that should be decided based on the enemy you are fighting. Therefore, we recommend starting the battle with defense and taking some time to understand the boss’ attacks. If you randomly start attacking the boss, the strategy can easily backfire, causing an easy elimination. So, start with parry and dodge abilities to survive and learn the attacks of the enemy.

The boss prefers heavy attacks and a close-range fight, so he can easily get you within the range of his sledgehammer attacks. If he finds you within range, he will initiate deadly combos. So, the first thing you need to do is keep a good distance from the enemy and watch out for each and every move of the boss. At this point, players need to know about the attacks the boss possesses.

how to defeat juggernaut in stellar blade
Juggernaut’s Slam attack during the battle.

First, the boss uses his hammer to strike the ground. As soon as the hammer hits the ground, it generates a linear shockwave that goes in a forward direction. The boss fight opens with the boss hitting his hammer three consecutive times on the ground, generating three shockwaves. This is an unblockable attack. Parrying it is also impossible. So, the only thing to do is to jump back and avoid the shockwaves.

Once the boss gets enough damage and his health goes below 70%, he will receive a significant boost in his power, with his hammer engulfed in flames. At this stage, a few new attacks will be added to the move set of the boss. These attacks are more devastating. Now the boss will hit the oil scattered on the ground to set them on fire. If you get caught in this fire, you are going to lose a substantial amount of health.

Keeping your distance from the oil is best. Otherwise, the moment you find the boss raising his hammer, run away from the oil. 

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Apart from that, the boss will have a few more attacks to avoid during the fight. The first one is when the boss comes close to you and swings his hammer to deal damage. Both stages of the fight have this attack, but in the second stage, this attack becomes an unblockable one. So, when he uses this attack in the first phase, players can parry it, but after the boss comes to 70% HP, this attack needs to be dodged. 

Another attack that is an exclusive attack to encounter in the second stage is the five consecutive swing attack. This combo is deadly and requires Eve to parry all five swings. Don’t let any of these swings hit you. Otherwise, you will lose a lot of health. Another deadly attack at this stage is the jump-and-hit attack, where the boss jumps toward Eve and slams his hammer on her while landing. Again, this is an unblockable attack that should be dodged.

Apart from these, there’s a charged slam attack and a fiery slam attack. Both need to be dodged as they are yellow attacks and can’t be parried. 

how to defeat juggernaut in stellar blade
Indication for using the Blink ability during the fight.

These are the boss attacks that you need to avoid. A Perfect Dodge or Perfect Parry will be the best options to avoid damage, but the timing should be perfect. Dodge or parry the attacks just before they land. Just like other enemies, parrying a few attacks in a row will destroy the balance of the boss, opening a passage for players to land critical hits on the boss.

Use the Blink ability whenever you see a blue glint on your sword. This instantly stuns the boss for a few seconds, and Eve can deal damage to the enemy.

For this fight, the best abilities to use are beta and burst. Use these two abilities whenever you get a chance to do the maximum damage possible to the boss. When the fight comes to an end, Eve will eventually grab the hammer of the boss and smash his face with it to end the fight. Once the fight is over, players will receive Extreme Polymer Material, Extreme Nano Element, Crit Boost Gear, Weapon Core, and Beta Enhancement Gear as rewards. 

That’s everything players need to know about defeating Juggernaut in Stellar Blade. If you are struggling to fight Abaddon in the game, don’t hesitate to check out our guide on this. For any other query about Stellar Blade, go through our guides to make your journey smooth.