Fighting machines is the most challenging task in Horizon Forbidden West. From the very beginning of the game, Aloy has to go through tough activities to uncover the secrets hidden in the depths of the Forbidden West. The more she progresses, the more the in-game world becomes merciless towards her. Gigantic, powerful machines await her at almost every step. However, Grudda is a bit different. He is a human enemy but still holds tons of power. 

The entire journey of Aloy is full of exploration, and often this exploration process takes her to the mandatory bosses of the game. Indeed players need to be careful during these fights and must be aware of the boss to prepare for counterattacks. These fights are usually puzzling without proper knowledge of the process. So, if you are struggling while trying to defeat Grudda in Horizon Forbidden West, this guide will provide you with all the necessary information.

However, before progressing to the fighting process, let’s check the location and other necessary information about Grudda to understand the boss thoroughly.

Horizon Forbidden West- Grudda Location and Other Basic Information

grudda horizon forbidden west
Grudda Location

Like almost every other action RPG, Horizon Forbidden West features multiple missions divided into main story missions and side missions. Expectedly, almost all the main story missions take players to different parts of the map to unveil secrets. However, most importantly, they bring Aloy to encounter some of the most powerful bosses of the game. 

Similarly, as players progress through the game, they will eventually start The Embassy main quest. This quest will bring them to a point where Aloy will meet the Rebels. Unfortunately, Grudda is the champion of Regalla and also the leader of the Rebels. However, the fight doesn’t instantly begin. To fight Gruda, players need to deal with the Rebels and the machines they ride. Once Alo takes them all, the boss fight will begin.

Before jumping to the boss fight, use Aloy’s Focus mechanics to scan the boss. Scanning him will reveal some important information about the boss like, he is weak to Shock and Acid attacks. Therefore, choose weapons that can deal with at least one of these attacks. The boss has a high-tech shield which makes him one of the toughest enemies to deal with in the game. However, prepare health potions and weapons, and let’s figure out the strategy to beat Grudda in the game. 

How to Defeat Grudda in Horizon Forbidden West

Grudda is the first human boss of the game to fight. So, the fighting process will be a bit different. From the beginning, focus on deactivating his shield. With the shield on, the boss will give players a hard time defeating him. However, this process takes some time. After Grudda takes enough damage, his shield will automatically break making him vulnerable. Until then, Aloy should be more careful about defending herself.

Let’s start with the boss attacks. The enemy has a sharp melee weapon and he often swings it to deal damage to the players. So, be careful about his attacks and keep some distance from the boss. This is to make sure that Aloy doesn’t come within his attack range easily. However, if somehow Aloy comes in the range, jump to avoid the swing. 

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Apart from the swing attack, the boss also uses the Shock Wave attack. This is also an AoE attack that spreads shock waves in the battle arena. Jump back to avoid this attack. In both cases keeping a safe distance from the boss will help Aloy to be safe. Otherwise, if these attacks hit her, they will deal tons of damage. The battle arena is an open space. So, players will get enough space to jump and dodge the boss’ attacks. 

grudda horizon forbidden west
Grudda Shock Wave Attack

While protecting themselves, players need to land back-to-back attacks on the boss, especially Acid or Shock attacks. Once the boss takes enough damage, temporarily, he will lose his shield, giving players a passage to deal some heavy damage. As soon as the shield gets deactivated, switch your battle technique and attack Grudda with a spear. You can choose any ranged weapon you prefer to use for this fight. 

Well, don’t be happy as this is for a few seconds only. After some time the Shield of the boss again gets activated protecting him from all damage. Again switch back to the elemental attacks- Shock and Acid attacks to deal enough damage to deactivate his shield. Keep on doing this a few times before the shield finally breaks. 

Once the shield is gone, the boss will be vulnerable to your attacks and lose health fast. As soon as the health bar of the boss becomes empty, the boss is defeated dropping rewards like Shieldwing, one of the most impressive gliders in the game. 

How to Use Shieldwing Glider in Horizon Forbidden West?

grudda horizon forbidden west
Shieldwing Glider Use

Once Aloy has acquired the Shieldwing Glider, naturally players will become curious about the use of the equipment. This glider doesn’t only look impressive. This even has impressive stats. If you go through the in-game description of the glider, it reads, “The Shieldwing is an energy-based glider repurposed from machine technology.” Now having it with them, players can jump off from any higher location like a mountain without any fear of falling. 

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Once you have jumped, press the instructed button on your platform to activate the glider. For PlayStation players, it is the Square button. With this glider activated, Aloy not only can avoid fall damage but also can fly to another location faster. This makes the exploration process much more exciting. Remember, completing The Embassy’s main story quest is the only way to get the glider. 

That’s everything players need to know about defeating Grudda in Horizon Forbidden West. Initially, the fight seems to be a challenging one, as it will feature a different type of boss. There’s no way players can avoid this fight as it is part of the main story quest. However, with a proper study of the boss’ attacks and his weaknesses, players can easily plan their strategy to counter the attacks. Keep calm and stick to your strategy to win the battle.