Hades 2 doubles down on the success of its predecessor by bringing in a number of stalwarts from Greek Mythology. Each supporting character that Melinoë encounters comes with their own motivations and origins, with a strong influence on the overall narrative.

With a lot of faces new and old, Melinoë’s story is bookmarked by some of her encounters with Hades 2’s cast. They act as gatekeepers toward progressing the story through boss encounters that are distinct and memorable. However, one such boss encounter can leave even the best of the Underworld wondering what hit them.

Introducing a Little Anarchy

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Hades 2 certainly knows how to add nuance to its characters.

Eris is the daughter of Nyx and the Personification of Strife. She thrives on conflict, working toward fuelling the conflict between Chronos and the Olympians. Petulant and mischievous, her childish demeanor hides her inner chaos. She is resentful of her role as she did not choose it, and likes to lash out at others because of it.

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Melinoë encounters Eris at the Rift of Thessaly on her way to Olympus if the player has progressed their game at a normal pace. If they happen to try and blaze a path to the surface on lower levels, it is likely that Eris turns up and gives them a debuff that increases damage taken as they progress further. If this were to happen, they can often find her at the Fated List of Minor Prophecies where she drops Rubbish, a useful ingredient for Incantations.

As the personification of Strife, Eris cannot – and should not – be taken lightly.

How to Defeat Eris in Hades 2

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Oh Eris, you little warmonger.

Eris brings a wide range of attacks to the table and is not afraid to use them in quick succession. She is rare among bosses for her reliance on ranged attacks over melee ones. She likes to keep her distance and fire off salvos at Melinoë that could shred her health bar if she is not careful.

Eris can unleash a volley of arrows or shotgun shells for a lot of damage. While individual hits may not hurt Melinoë too much, it is the constant barrage of attacks that can be hard to manage. However, remembering that she fires directly in front of her is the key to avoiding these attacks. You could attempt to dodge through these attacks in a pinch although that is risky.

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Howver, her attacks are easy to read and can be avoided with ease once you are used to her attack patterns. It is recommended that you stay as close to her as you can during the fight and avoid attacking her from the front to offset the risk of being stun-locked into one of her streams of bullets. You could also use the environment to your advantage, making use of pillars to hide behind or explosive barrels to cause some damage.

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Eris is a specialist in long-range. Try to close the distance as much as you can.

Next, she can launch a single grenade with its impact point telegraphed on the ground, or multiple ones at a time. The formations of these grenades vary every time she uses it making this attack unpredictable but fortunately easy to avoid as you know where each grenade is about to hit.

Eris can launch forward after a small wind-up, flashing white as she shoots of her trust Exagryph in a diagonal path on either side. Simply dodge through the shots or position yourself to avoid them altogether.

She could also use the weapon to take a long-range shot at Melinoë that can be very hard to dodge in the absence of special boons like the Sprint Speed Boon. Simply hide behind pillars in the arena whenever she begins this attack.

Another dangerous attack in her arsenal is when she spins a couple of times and uses her wings to fly off-screen returning to bombard the arena with either grenades or enemies. Simply avoid the explosion areas for grenades or deal with the enemies as best as you can while avoiding her attacks.

Once her health is below 20%, Eris begins a pattern of attacks where she flies off screen only to return with continuous salvos of arrows at Melinoë before flying off again. It can be hard to land any attacks while she is in the air so position yourself to be close to her when she hits the ground. Get behind her and unleash your strongest attacks to finish her off.

This fight can be hard to nail down considering how agile Eris can be coupled with the need to constantly close the gap with her, giving her opportunities to take a few shots at Melinoë. Boons like the above-mentioned Sprint Speed Boon from Hestia along with others like Hermes’ Nitro Boost Boon can make this fight a lot easier so do your homework before you take her on.

Taking down Eris can be challenging but is necessary to progress further in the game and finally take on Chronos, the Titan of Time. For more help in Hades 2, be sure to check out our guides and take the fight to your enemies!