PlayStation 5’s latest title Stellar Blade has been released worldwide and players are having a great time slaying alien beasts. The game’s realistic action mechanics give players a visceral experience of the dystopian world. The protagonist Eve’s journey begins with mayhem as her squad members get slaughtered at the beginning of the game. She continues forward to avenge her dead comrades and reclaim Earth from a malevolent alien species called the Naytibas.

The Naytibas can be classified by their size and behavior. The game has Naytiba warriors, Naytiba minions, and Elite Naytibas. Among these colossal beasts, there are some which are more menacing than others. You will have to bring in your A-game to defeat these bosses. One such boss is the Democrawler which uses deformed weapons to attack you in the game. Defeating it will take quite some time if you do not attack it with a proper strategy. Below we have provided some tips to help you understand the Democrawler and how to defeat it.

Basic Knowledge About the Democrawler

Eve gets ready to face the Democrawler

Democrawler is one of the most challenging Bosses in Stellar Blade. This alien creature is filled with resentment and uses deformed weapons to deal damage. The Democrawler is driven by rage and can end Eve’s life swiftly. This colossal beast is not an optional boss and is encountered by Eve once she reaches the Central Core. Once the fight starts this vicious beast will unleash its relentless assault upon you. You must focus on being agile and quickly respond to its attacks.

To defeat the Democrawler players will have to balance their offense and defense. Before facing the Democrawler you will face some other bosses in Stellar Blade. So, remember to mirror the approach employed in previous boss encounters.

How to Defeat Democrawler in Stellar Blade

As you keep progressing through the main story you will reach a mission called the Eye of the Hurricane. In this mission, you will have to defeat the Democrawler to progress further in the game. The battle with the Democrawler will happen in two stages. The first stage includes a fight with the Democrawler. Once it has been defeated you will have to fight its upgraded version the Demogorgon (Dungeons and Dragons fans unite!). Taking down the upgraded version will result in the defeat of the Democrawler, one of the toughest bosses in Stellar Blade.

The Democrawler as seen in Stellar Blade

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The developers of the game have made sure to give you a spine-tingling moment when you encounter the Democrawler. The colossal beast looks fearsome and malformed at the same time. The Democrawler’s appearance will freak out a lot of players due to its disturbing anatomy. Comprised of mangled bodies this creepy monster is a fearsome foe that can end your life at any moment.

The Eye of the Hurricane mission starts after defeating Karakuri and Belial. During the first stage of the fight the Democrawler will charge towards you with its deadly claws. Watch out for the glowing yellow light when it attacks and parry the attack promptly. Along with the claw attacks, the Democrawler is capable of releasing deadly shockwaves.

While releasing a shockwave it will jump back, don’t charge towards it. Instead, wait for the shockwave to be released and avoid it by jumping. As the fight gets more intense the Democrawler will shoot projectiles towards you which has to be dodged on time to avoid getting injured.

The Democrawler will summon beams of light which can be deadly if you get struck by them. Use your dodge moves to avoid these beams of light. Watch out for all these variations of attacks as they will happen in quick succession. Keep on attacking the Democrawler while successfully evading its attacks.

The Democrawler will become more aggressive once its health drops below 50%. A huge ring will start glowing over its head and it will launch a series of projectiles towards you. Stay on the tip of your toes to dodge these projectiles before they strike you. While dodging the shockwaves, stay alert and agile since the Democrawler is capable of releasing two waves at times. The creature will try to disturb your flow of attacks by teleporting from one position to the other. However, if you keep on attacking while keeping in mind the tips provided above, the Democrawler will reach its breaking point.

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Stellar Blade‘s immersive graphics and kickass action make this boss fight more exciting. From parrying attacks in slow motion to delivering strikes with your blade, the final move will give you a sense of triumph as Eve will take a long jump to soar above the Democrawler’s head and then push her blade deep into its skull.

Eve plunges her sword into the Democrawler’s skull

Once the Democrawler is defeated Eve will realize that there is no core and the Alpha version of the monster will be revealed which is the Demogorgon. This behemoth has to be defeated by attacking with your railgun. Eve will ask Lilly to direct all of her cellular power to charge the railgun. Once the gun is charged the Demogorgon’s eyes will be revealed. Destroy the eyes with the railgun and it will be defeated once and for all. Eve will faint away after defeating the monster and Lily will send an SOS to summon an automated space suit. This suit will get hold of Eve and make her land safely.

The fight with the Democrawler will put you through a lot of challenges but after you have killed it you will be left with nothing but joy and satisfaction. The developers have made sure that you feel every frame of this high-octane boss fight.