Stellar Blade’s main antagonists, the Naytibas, come in all shapes and sizes. There’s the weird alien horses, the formidable brutes, stalkers, and so much more. Eve is more than capable of taking them all on – but not early on in the story.

While most Naytibas can be dispatched with a good balance of offense and defense, Stellar Blade‘s bosses take it up a notch, making you engage with a finely tuned combat system to turn the tables on its bigger threats. And in the early parts of the game’s well-paced story, there is no better example of a demanding boss than the Corrupter.

Stellar Blade Corrupter Location: Basic Information About the Boss

Perhaps there are too many needles in the haystack.

Resembling a human-horse hybrid, the Corrupter is a more dangerous form of its basic Naytibas counterpart, the Dozer. The biggest difference is the collection of syringes sticking out of its head instead of the normal alien head on the regular variant.

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Looks aside, the Corrupter comes with a host of attacks not found on Dozers but is found less frequently in the open world. Eve encounters her first Corruptor while exploring Eidos 7 as part of Scavenger Adam’s questline in the main story.

This can make the fight against the Corrupter quite difficult, requiring a tactical approach and the liberal use of all the skills you have learned up until this point. It can be tricky to nail down its parry timings and to master the use of the Blink ability, which can help negate some deadly attacks from the beast.

With that being said, learning this enemy’s attack patterns and how to respond to them can let Eve make short work of her deadliest foe yet.

How to Defeat Corrupter in Stellar Blade

The Corrupter is simply Stellar Blade’s way of testing your skill.

The Corrupter comes with a variety of attacks, each of which can be handled in specific ways to keep it off balance while maintaining a steady stream of damage.

Among the Corrupter’s easier attacks is when it goes into range. It spews toxic projectiles at Eve from a distance. These can be parried, but do not upset its balance. However, some of these projectiles are unblockable and must be dodged to avoid damage.

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Launch a counterattack only on the last projectile to avoid unnecessary damage. Rush Attacks can be very helpful here.

The next of the Corrupter’s attacks is its charge abilities. Typically, the beast will charge at you three times and fall briefly after the third charge – a window to deal some extra damage. However, learning the narrow parry timings for this attack can set the Corrupter up for a Retribution attack, as parrying its charge affects its balance.

When you try to close the distance with the Corrupter, such as after its projectile attacks, it swings its head at you multiple times in a melee combo. Learning the timing of these swings can allow you to attempt parrying them, putting this dangerous Naytiba at a serious disadvantage against Eve.

This attack comes with a variation in which the Corruptor launches an attack that makes it glow blue. If you dodge forward when Eve’s sword glows blue, you can phase through the attack and do some damage to the beast from behind. This is the Blink technique and is about to get very handy in this fight.

As you lower the Corrupter’s health, it begins to integrate new attacks into its repertoire.

Watch your step!

For starters, it launches into the air and spews toxic venom all around the ground. Either dodge the attack entirely or hold down the block to reduce the damage from its poison.

Another new attack is an attempt to slam Eve into the ground with its head, which requires you to Blink through at the right time. Once again, it is important to execute the dodge only when Eve’s sword flashes blue.

Another attack that must be dodged using Blink is a ranged volley of spikes that the Corrupter shoots at you. With a mastery of the Blink technique, Eve can unleash some serious damage on the beast, allowing you to nait and punish these attacks at will.

At low health, the Corrupter’s charging attacks become unblockable, but it is strong enough to manage only one before it falls to the ground. Use the opportunity this presents to finally finish it off by pressing L1 at the right time to trigger the DTE.

You are rewarded with a Weapon CoreMelee Protection GearShield Destruction GearExtreme Polymer MaterialsXP, and gold for bringing the Corrupter down.

And that’s how you deal with the Corrupter in Stellar Blade. If you’re looking for the most challenging version of this enemy, there is one found in the Wastelands guarding the Holiday Rabbit Suit. Stellar Blade has plenty of other difficult bosses like Gigas, and fortunately, we have more guides to help your journey in the game.