Supergiant Games has highlighted the difficulties of the boss fights in Hades 2 from the beginning of its publicity strategy. Often, action RPGs focus on the boss battles rather than the storylines, but Hades 2 has a balance of everything. Still, players are bound to notice the bosses of the game from the beginning to the end. Chronos is the final Underworld boss to take down in the game, and there’s no shame if you are struggling to beat this enemy. 

The Titan of Time is the fourth boss to encounter, and your previous encounter experiences will definitely guide you in guessing the strength the boss can have. Anyway, don’t worry. Though he is tough, he is not unbeatable. With proper strategies and knowledge of his attacks, you can deal with him successfully.

Hades 2: Chronos Location and Basic Information

how to beat chronos  in hades 2
Chronos location in Hades 2.

Being the final boss of Underworld, Chronos holds immense power and a range of attacks to deal damage to players. The fight is not going to be an easy one, but it’s not something that players can skip. This battle should be faced while trying to escape the depths of Tartarus. However, some prior knowledge is required before going for the fight. Among them, the most important one is that the Chronos can reset and manipulate time. 

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This is the trickiest thing to handle, and to deal with it, pause the game and go to the cauldron in the Crossroads. Now, you have to get all the Boons possible from the cauldron before going for the fight, especially the Phase Shift boon. Apart from it, get other boons like Storm Ring, Easy Shot, Lightning Lance, Smolder Ring, Total Eclipse, etc., to strengthen your side. Additionally, among the Keepsakes, bring Knuckle Bones. Finally, The Sorceress and Eternity Arcana Cards are must-haves in the fight. 

With all these items and abilities, let’s get prepared to face the Titan of Time for two consecutive phases and understand his attacks to determine fighting strategies.

How to Defeat Chronos in Hades 2: Phase 1

Chronos has a huge health bar and a range of attacks to deal damage to players. Most of the time, the boss prefers long-range battles. During the first phase, he will have a long list of attacks to watch out for if you want to be alive. Let’s check out the list first. Satyr Bodyguards is the first thing to notice as soon as the fight begins. This is not exactly an attack, but the boss has six Satyr guarding him. These enemies often use their tails to lunge and spin at players to deal damage.

The second attack is the Dash attack, where the boss creates a rift that explodes after some time. The third attack of this phase is the Scythe Throw, in which the boss will throw a scythe to launch an AoE attack. This scythe will deal damage to a large area. Time Bubble is the next attack, where the boss creates a bubble and teleports away using it.

Players will freeze if they get caught inside the bubble. Except for these, there are several other attacks, including Scythe Slash, Time Banner, Reinforcements, Sand Whirlwind, and Orb Pulse. Unfortunately, all these attacks deal tons of damage to players if they hit. 

how to beat chronos  in hades 2
Chronos launches the Scythe Slash attack. This is one of his primary attacks to deal with in the battle.

During the first phase, it is better to kill the Satyr guards faster to make the fight a bit less complicated. Though these are fast attacks, they still provide players with enough time to react. However, if they land successfully, heavy damage is inevitable. The main trouble is that the boss uses these attacks randomly without any order. Anyway, the main attack the boss launches during this phase is the Scythe Slash.

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In this attack, the boss swings his scythe in an arc that leaves an exploding rift. This attack is deadly if you are hit by the explosion. But that should not be the case. Players will get enough time to dash and avoid the attack. Doing this a few times even helps them drain a chunk of health from Chronos’ health bar. However, hitting Chronos is not easy. Often, the boss calls for the Time Bubble to slow you down. So, watch out for his summons and escape from the bubble.

Once you make the health bar of the boss empty and drain all his health, the enemy will take you to a new arena for the second phase of the battle.

How to Defeat Chronos in Hades 2: Phase 2

When the final fight starts with Chronos, the Titan of Time will come with a few more new attacks to make the fight more challenging for the players. However, his health bar is smaller than in the previous phase, so this will go down quickly. Aside from Reinforcement and Time Bubbles, there are three new attacks to take care of this time, including Time Burst. In this attack, the boss uses his scythe to darken the entire room, and after a few seconds, the darkened area explodes. 

how to beat chronos  in hades 2
During the second phase, the boss will become more aggressive and deadly. Keeping distance won’t help players in this phase.

The next attack in this phase is the Time Circle attack, which summons a circle in the middle of the platform. Touching this circle will cause damage. When the boss goes below 50% of his health, he will summon two circles. The third new attack is the Clock Hand attack, where the boss summons clock hands in the middle of the arena and they move clockwise. Touching them will cause damage. 

During this stage, the boss mostly stays at the center of the platform and gets much more aggressive than he was previously. This time, the boss will prefer to use long-range attacks to deal damage. However, because his health bar is short, if players can use opportunities and attack correctly, this phase will end pretty early.

Even during this phase, remember to move throughout the arena. Staying still will make you an easy target. The boss will frequently attack, and moving constantly will divert his attention, and most likely, he will miss the target.

That’s everything players should know to defeat Chronos in Hades 2. This fight will test your patience and fighting skills, so don’t try to speed it up. Even a little mistake can ruin all your efforts. If you are facing a similar issue with Hecate or Scylla in the game, go through our guides for all the required information. 

For any other confusion, we recommend going through our Hades 2 guides for the necessary details to make your journey fun and smooth.