There is no shortage of enemies to fight in Hades 2. The game throws a lot of different enemies at Melinoë, with some being more of a challenge than others.

While most of these enemies are what one might expect from a game steeped in Greek mythology, Supergiant Games has put a unique spin on many of these enemies. It is a deftly handled weaving of its source material and gameplay elements that has kept players coming back for more.

When Your Legs Don’t Work Like They Used to Before

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Hades 2 puts a unique spin on the Kraken.

Charybdis the Devourer is a shining example of how Hades 2 puts its unique spin on the Greek pantheon. Melinoë comes across this abomination as she explores the Rift of Thessaly on her way to the Surface from the Underworld.

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Getting there is quite the challenge, requiring that she perform the complex Permeation of Witching-Wards Incantation and navigate many rooms that are densely populated with enemies. Eventually, she finds Charybdis stationed in the middle of a black vortex that is in her way. It looks like violence is the only language this monster understands.

How to Defeat Charybdis in Hades 2

The fight against Charybdis could be among the easiest ones in Hades 2 or the hardest, depending on your loadout. Since Melinoë cannot deal damage to the boss as it stays in the safety of its vortex, she needs to find other ways to take it out of the equation.

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This is made more challenging by a very narrow battlefield, unlike other bosses in the game such as Hecate, where Melinoë has a lot of room to maneuver. Yet, there is still hope, as the Charybdis does try to combat the latest warrior unfortunate enough to find their way to its abode.

Its attempts to take down Melinoë come in the form of its tentacles that spring up on the ground in front of it and cause a lot of problems on this cramped battlefield. It is these very tentacles that are going to be its downfall, however, as damaging, any one of them chips away at the creature’s HP to eventually send it packing.

With a total of five tentacles to take down while avoiding their attacks, it’s evident that Melinoë is going to have a lot to handle in this fight. The first attack to watch out for is the tentacles’ area-of-effect (AoE) smash attack that sends out waves of energy at Melinoë. There is a safe spot behind the tentacle where she can dodge and launch a counterattack.

At range, the tentacles fire projectiles that can be very challenging to dodge in a cramped space. Try and dodge through these as best you can without sustaining too much damage, as the worst is yet to come while punishing the tentacle closest to you.

As you lower Charybdis’ HP, it suddenly calls back all of its tentacles and shoots numerous red projectiles that split off as they move forward. Again, the cramped space in this arena can make dodging this attack a nightmare if you do not position yourself well enough. All five tentacles will come back to attack you after the projectiles are launched, springing up from the ground to surprise you. Look out for the red circles that warn you where they are coming from.

The tentacles also perform a combined whirlwind attack that can deal a lot of damage to Melinoë if it is not avoided. Doing so is quite simple, however, since the attack has a limited range.

With the Charybdis’ attacks out of the way, it’s time to focus on how Melinoë can take the creature down. Aside from being on the move almost constantly, using weapons that quickly deal a lot of damage to a single target can make things go your way. The Moonstone Axe is a great option with its high damage output and AoE combos.

However, if using a slow-hitting weapon is not your cup of tea, the Sister Blades trade the high damage from a single hit for fast strikes that can shred each tentacle at close range. They work best when used on tentacles in corners, as it is difficult for the other ones to target Melinoë with their attacks.

As far as Boons go, maximizing your damage output is a great choice. Soot Sprint and Ice Strike can work really well, allowing you more speed to avoid attacks and freezing individual tentacles, respectively. However, Total Eclipse Hex can nuke the boss – tentacles and all – with a massive 1,000 damage output once it is cast.

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Look to the gods when things get tough.

Artemis’ Death Warrant Boon is another great choice if you are using the Sister Blades, as it provides a massive boost to your Critical Hit chance. Considering how many attacks the blades can perform in a short span, you will find yourself dealing a lot of critical hit damage to Charybdis to end the fight on your terms.

The Charybdis eventually falls to your attacks as long as you maintain a constant barrage of damage on its tentacles with your chosen weapon while taking care to avoid the worst of its attacks.

With the massive creature out of the way, it’s time to progress through the Rift of Thessaly to fight Eris, the final boss in the area. There are many other foes for Melinoë to vanquish in Hades 2, which our guides can help with. Do check them out if you’re looking to make the most of the game’s early access prior to its full release.