Once you start your Helldivers 2 journey, you will eventually realize that this journey will take you through a challenging path full of different kinds of robot and bug enemies. Though the former types of enemies are much more challenging than the latter ones, still it will be silly to take the Terminid enemies lightly. Of course, not all the Terminid enemies have the same level of difficulty, but there are a few who are really challenging to deal with, and undoubtedly, Brood Commanders are among them.

The Brood Commanders are armored enemies who are always surrounded by a large group of small Terminind enemies, which makes it difficult for the players to fight them. So, if you are trying to figure out how to defeat Broos Commanders in Helldivers 2, it won’t be something surprising. In this guide, we will try to provide players with all the required tips to win the battle, but before that let’s check some necessary information about the opponent.

Where to Find Brood Commanders in Helldivers 2 &Their Abilities

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Brood Commander in Helldivers 2

Brood Commanders are one of the toughest bosses in the game. Though you will find bigger Terminid enemies during your journey, Brood Commander can overcome them in abilities. This fully armored enemy can take players down in an instant if they are not prepared for the fight.

Now, if you are looking for their location, let me tell you, these enemies can appear at the Easy difficulty level to the ultimate Helldive one. However, their appearance in the Easy difficulty is not certain. They can sometimes be spawned, but there’s a huge chance that you won’t find them in the initial difficulty levels. In that case, you will definitely expect to see them when you reach Challenging difficulty.

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If you haven’t yet found them during any mission, don’t worry, Brood Commanders have their very own mission, Eliminate Brood Commanders where you will be specifically tasked to kill a Brood Commander. So, their appearance will be gurenteed.

Before you find them, first players need to know how to fight them. You can’t simply start fighting. You must take preparation before you start the fight.

Best Weapons to Fight Brood Commanders in Helldivers 2

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Brood Commander Fighting Process

No matter which mission you are trying to complete, fighting enemies is one of the static conditions for all. Therefore, weapons play a massive role in Helldivers 2. From the wide range of weapons that the game provides players with, they need to choose the best ones to fight Brood Commanders. We suggest selecting, R-63 Diligence and PLAS-1 Scorcher as primary weapons. These weapons will deal the most damage and make the fight a bit easier.

Primary weapons are not enough in the game, especially when fighting enemies like Brood Commanders. Therefore, players need to look for some suitable support weapons or Stratagems. Among the wide list, players can choose, Railgun, Grenade Launcher, Mortar Sentry, Orbital Gatling Barrage, or Orbital Railcannon Strike. All these Stratagems deal heavy damage and have the highest potential of armor penetration, which will be a much-required ability if you are trying to take the enemy down.

Along with the weapons and stratagems, it will be best if you have a team to fight Brood Commanders. While this fight can easily be completed alone, still having friends always gives players a survival advantage. Teammates are always there to back each other up during a fight. So, better you have a four-member squad for the fight.

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Now that you are ready with the weapons and team, let’s check the strategies for the fight and the weaknesses of the enemy.

Best Strategy to Beat Brood Commander in Helldivers 2

Once you encounter a Brood Commander, one thing players need to note is that the most dangerous ability of this enemy is the Bug Breaches. In this move, the enemy will start summoning bugs, and waves of bugs will spawn that you need to take down before focusing on the boss. Players can place a Sentry gun to deal with the swarm of bugs. Another thing is the higher your difficulty level is, the less your weapons will deal damage to the boss. Therefore, players need to be careful and patient during this entire fight.

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Fighting Bugs in Helldivers 2

The only relaxing thing for players is that Brood Commanders are slow enemies. Therefore, if you make a standard distance from them, they won’t close the gap fast. It will help players deal with the other bugs. So, if you use a Flamethrower or a similar weapon to hit the enemy, it can’t quickly get out of the fire. Therefore, it will take more damage. However, the frontal part of the boss’ body is entirely covered with armor that you need to break to deal damage.

It is better not to waste lots of ammo to fire randomly at the boss. Instead, you need to figure out the proper spots to land your attacks. Like every other enemy in Helldivers 2, Brood Commanders also have their weak spots, but they are hard to aim at. The only vulnerable part of their body includes their stomach, rear ends, and the bottom of their face. If you can land shots at those parts, this boss will take the maximum damage.

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Fighting Brood Commander

While dealing damage to Brood Commanders, players will notice that if they deal lots of damage from the front, the enemy will stop stacking, crouch, and allow them time to attack them from behind. Brood Commanders have a medium health pool which won’t be impossible to make empty. If you have your teammates, start attacking the boss from different directions, so it can’t focus on a single player. Otherwise, one of your teammates can bait the Giant Bug, while others will stay behind and attack it at the vulnerable spots.

That’s everything that players need to know about defeating Brood Commanders in Helldivers 2. Despite being one of the toughest Terminid to defeat, players can accomplish the task easily if they have a proper strategy and weapons to survive the fight. Of course, survival is the key. You need to dodge the boss’ attacks and land your attack successfully to make things work. During the fight, make sure to place your Supply Drops close, as you will need lots of ammo for this fight. With supply drops nearby, players will get a constant ammo supply quickly.