Story missions are an integral part of action RPGs and Rise of the Ronin is no different. As players start progressing through the game, eventually they will find that story missions are what help them unfold the main story of the game. While unfolding the story, you can’t expect it to be smooth like a cake. So, formidable enemies are all scattered through the map waiting for the players to have a fight with them. The Blue Demon is undoubtedly one of the toughest among them.

Blue Demon is definitely among those enemies who will give you a hard time defeating him. In both encounters, he will prove his strengths and skills. So, if you are struggling to take him down, that’s kind of natural. However, he is a beatable enemy in both encounters, but you need to know the proper strategies to use. If you haven’t yet figured out how to beat him in the Edo region, this guide will give you a proper walkthrough of the process.

Before you dive into the fight, it is always wise to get familiar with the opponent’s strengths and weaknesses. So, you can take advantage of them. 

Blue Demon Encounter Details in Rise of the Ronin- Location & Others

blue demon rise of the ronin
Rise of the Ronin Blue Demon Location

Blue Demon is a unique enemy that keeps on appearing during different missions. If you think, you will remember meeting him previously during the Matthew Perry fight in the Infiltrating the Black Ship mission. He appears when you have almost done with the commander. Irrespective of the results, again the enemy will appear in the Edo region. 

Indeed he is not the only enemy to appear twice in the game, but he is certainly the toughest among them. After the initial encounter with him, the main story will progress in its set pattern and you will eventually get the Damsel in Distress story mission. This is where again the enemy appears to give you a hard time.

After you reach the Edo region which will be accessed in the final part of Act 1, you will get the Damsel in Distress mission which requires you to find Princess Atsuko. In this search process, you have to kill tons of enemies, and finally reach the Blue Demon for the second time. Use your grappling hook to go over the gate. 

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The strategy is simple, first use the banner before entering the arena to restock all your supplies, including the healing items. The fight is going to be a tough one and without enough healing items, players can’t survive till the end. Additionally, don’t forget to get your rifle for the fight. The battle arena is huge. So, headshots can be a good option to deal with the enemy.

Rise of the Ronin Tips and Tricks to Defeat Blue Demon in The Edo Region

blue demon rise of the ronin
Blue Demon Fight

When you encountered him during the initial stages of the game, players lacked the skills and abilities to fight the boss. However, since they have now completed the first act of the game, they have a few necessary items to fight the boss. Still, countersparks are the best way to deal with him. Of course, you have to shoot him and land critical hits to deal damage, but that requires some time, and players need to follow a proper balance of defense and offense, so they don’t mess things up. 

Let’s check it step by step. The enemy is quite dangerous and has a good speed to make up the distance. Additionally, his attacks are mostly red attacks which are unblockable. Initially, the boss uses his graphing hook to deal damage and even tries to grab players if they come within his range. So, don’t try to close the gap between him and you. As the grabbing attacks are fast, you probably won’t get time to dodge it. Once he catches you, you lose a lot of health. 

Apart from that, the boss has a few more attacks, and among them, one is his clone attack. In this attack, the boss summons his clones to confuse players. However, don’t fall for the trap and lock the camera on to the original boss. The clones also attack and deal damage, Therefore, keep your distance to be safe. 

blue demon rise of the ronin
Blue Demon Attacks

Like the previous time, counterspark is the most effective way to deal with Blue Demon in the Edo region fight as well. However, not every attack can be parried. Sometimes you need to dodge as well. For that, first, you need to study the moves of the boss, so you can determine your defense strategy before he launches the attack. Also, a close-range fight is like an impossible thing so, always try to keep your distance and watch out for his attacks. 

Don’t forget to take your allies to make the fight a beat easier. If you are alone, things will become more challenging, but with allies, you can distract the enemy and deal more damage to him. While headshots from your rifle are the best option, you can use the grappling hook. Like the previous encounter, use the grappling hook to take all the nearby objects and throw them at the boss.

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Once you successfully parry a few attacks of the boss, the panic meter of Blue Demon will increase and he will become vulnerable for a few seconds to deal the maximum damage possible. Wait for these opportunities. 

Finally, make sure you swap combat styles to use the best against him. A small arrow will be displayed next to Blue Demon’s health bar. It will be blue to indicate that your combat style is perfect. Again, it can turn red, if the combat style you have selected is not effective. Change the combat style to deal maximum damage. 

This fight is tough and requires lots of patience. You must stick to your strategy to drain the health of Blue Demon. Unfortunately, even after these efforts, the enemy won’t be taken down. Once the Blue Demon loses the fight, a cutscene will start showing the enemy escaping the location. So, that’s everything you should know about the Blue Demon fight in Rise of the Ronin.