Rise of the Ronin has presented players with an intense storyline with multiple areas to explore and bosses to fight. However, the plot has several twists but probably the greatest among them will come at the end of the second main story mission, when players find themselves on the other side of their Blade Twin’s sword. Blade Twin is the constant companion who accompanies them from the beginning of the game, but ultimately, the story reveals that Blade Twin works for the US government.

The shock comes early in the game and players will instantly realize that politics is closely intertwined in every sphere of the game. Team Ninja has made political anarchy a significant theme of the game where even the soulmates who have grown up together and trained together stand against each other. So, if you have encountered your Blade Twin as a boss and got confused about the fighting process, this guide will help you with all the necessary information. 

Context to The Blade Twin Fight in Rise of the Ronin

blade twin rise of the ronin
Blade Twin Interaction

The Blade Twin fight comes as the final battle of The Plot To Assassinate Harris mission. During the Infiltrating The Black Ship mission’s Matthew Perry’s fight, players got separated from their Blade Twin. Initially, it seems that he died, but proving this assumption wrong, players get some news of their Blade twin protecting the US officials. Start following your Blade Twin and after a few missions, when you reach the end of the second major Ronin mission The Plot To Assassinate Harris, for the finale fight you will find your Blade Twin on the other side of your sword.

That’s probably the worst twist in the game. However, that’s not the only time plates will face the Blade Twin. Again a few Chapters later, when they appear in the final chapter of the game, the Bade Twin will come with the most vital choice to make. We will talk about the choice later, but for now, let’s check how to prepare for the first encounter.

How to Prepare For Blade Twin Encounter in Rise of the Ronin

blade twin rise of the ronin
Beginning of Blade Twin Fight

The fight is going to be one of the most challenging one to execute. While initially, the Blade Twin had the same weapons as your character, don’t expect him to be the same when you meet him as a rival. This time you will find him equipping a mechanical prosthetic arm which is a hard one to counter. 

Apart from that, your Blade Twin will be stronger than other enemies in Martial Skills. As you both have trained together, initially, he had the same ones that you had during the Black Ship mission. However, this time you will find he has learned an abundance of Martial Skills to give you a hard time.

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Before starting the mission, the game gives players an option to choose two allies and we recommend Genzui Kusaka should be one among them. This character has a strong Chi-type combat style, which will be effective during the fight. However, you haven’t probably unlocked a lot of allies until this fight, so, choose the second one based on your preference from the already unlocked ones.

About the weapons, there won’t be much help if you take offense as the primary strategy. Instead, you have to go for defense primarily, so you can survive.  

Tips and Tricks to Fight Blade Twin in Rise of the Ronin

blade twin rise of the ronin
Blade Twin Fight

When it comes to fighting, Blade Twin is pretty ruthless. This fight will test your fighting strategy and reflex as the boss is a fast fast-moving one who launches frequent attacks. While the boss closes the gap between you and him to use weapon skills, there is something more deadly. The boss has a Demon Claw and he has a range of attacks using the Demon Claw. 

Among the basic attacks, Twin Blade has a Grappling Hook attack and the Arm Cannon attack that players can easily dodge or parry. Of course, the Arm Cannon attack is more dangerous and the boss will glow red during this attack. It is impossible to parry this attack; even dodging it is hard. So, better if you get prepared with healing items. 

However, the Demon Claw attacks, including, Spinning Demon Claw, Demon Claw Grapple Hook, Demon Claw Bomb, and Demon Claw Projectile Bomb are the deadliest attacks of the boss and each of them is unblockable. So, whenever you see the boss glowing red, jump at the other side to avoid these attacks.

blade twin rise of the ronin
Twin Blade Attacks in Rise of the Ronin

Apart from these, the Blade Twin is the first enemy to use multiple Primary weapons, including a  Gatling gun which the enemy will often use on you during the fight. If you are not ready with your strategy to avoid it, this weapon is enough to eliminate you. So take cover behind the pillars whenever you see the bullets coming. Fortunately, the Gatling Gun has limited range, and if you are out of range, the enemy will struggle to aim with it. 

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Don’t worry, players will get the opportunity to land some Critical Hits. However, they need to adjust their combat style with the enemy and swap weapons to get an advantage over him. Whenever you notice a red arrow next to your enemy’s health bar, change the combat style to adjust with his. Parrying his attacks successfully will break his stance and allow you a few seconds to attack him. Wait for the chance. 

That’s everything players need to know about how to defeat Twin Blade in Rise of the Ronin. Indeed this fight is challenging and takes some time, but with proper strategy and patience, players can take the enemy down. However, again Twin Blade will appear in the final chapter of the game.

This time, players will have to decide their fate either by killing him or sparing him. Each choice leads to an ending, but one will be a good ending and one will be bad. Sparing the Twin Blade will take players to the good ending where they will receive an epilogue after the main ending. However, killing the Twin Blade will take them to a bad ending where the anarchy remains.