If you have been progressing through Helldivers 2, you must have got the point that the path won’t be easy and you have to face challenging enemies at every step. While completing missions, the two most common enemies players will encounter are Automatons and Terminids. Both are powerful and divided into several types. While the former are robot enemies, the latter are giant bugs that attack players frequently throughout their journey. Bile Titans in Helldivers 2 are among the most powerful Terminind enemies that will probably force you to seek some help to defeat them.

If you have been facing troubles while tackling these enemies and looking for some help to figure out how to defeat Bile Titans in Helldives 2, this guide will help you with all the required information. However, before you go for the fight, you need to know some details about these enemies so, you can deal with them smoothly.

Bile Titans Location in Helldivers 2 & Abilities

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Bile Titan in Helldivers 2

Like other Terminid enemies, players will find these ones as well, during missions. However, if you are trying to make sure that you encounter them, you need to open the Galaxy Map on your ship and find the Terminid-controlled zones. If you look closely, you will see a few zones are marked with gold color. These are the areas where Bile Titans will welcome you. Note that, these powerful Terminid enemies won’t spawn in the easier difficulty levels. So, players need to be at least playing the game at Hard Difficulty to encounter them. Challenging difficulty is the most suitable level to meet them.

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Bile Titans are huge bugs with immense power to eliminate players within seconds if they are not prepared for the fight. Their size and their abilities are enough to dominate the entire battlefield. However, most importantly, they throw lots of acid throughout the fight at the players. Don’t get deceived by the size of these creatures. Despite their gigantic size, they can move significantly faster. Another problematic part is players may not notice these bugs until they start attacking them.

Helldivers 2 has a mission named, Exterminate. If you take this mission up, the game will for sure spawn a Bile Titan that you need to destroy to complete the objective. However, no matter how to encounter them, preparation is the key to the fight.

Best Weapons to Fight Bile Titans in Helldivers 2

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Fighting Bile Titans

Bile Titans are the boss Terminids. So, you can easily guess that not every weapon can help you fight them. Therefore, players need to get the most powerful weapons and stratagems. Among the weapons, we suggest bringing the Recoilless Rifle, Railgun, and Expendable Anti-Tank Launcher. However, these giant enemies come with waves of small Terminids. So, make sure to bring a weapon to clear out these enemy waves faster. Bile Titans frequently throw poison at you so, getting closer to the enemy won’t be safe. Using these weapons will help you deal with AoE damage from a distance.

About the Stratagems, it will be better if players focus on bringing Orbital Laser, Autocannon, Eagle Cluster Bomb, and Spear. These will deal heavy damage and give proper support to your primary weapon. These stratagems will give you the best armor penetration power. However, the catch is, none of these will be unlocked at a lower level. In that case, you have to bring an Anti-Materiel Rifle for armor penetration.

Apart from these, it won’t be a good idea to go for this fight alone. Instead, players need to bring an entire squad. Having teammates will help you deal with the small Terminids faster and focus on the main target. Additionally, attacking the enemy from different sides will divert its attention. While the creature focuses on attacking your teammates, you will get the chance to deal damage to it.

Tips to Defeat Bile Titan in Helldivers 2

Fortunately, Bile Titans don’t have lots of attacks. They only have two attacks. The first and primary one is the acid spit attack that they use to attack enemies in a long distance. This is the most dangerous attack that can eliminate players instantly. However, for the enemies who stay close to them, these bugs have the stomp attack. There’s nothing more to watch out for while you are fighting.

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Bile Titans Acid Attack

The first and most important part of this fight is to stay away from the enemy. You probably don’t want to get hurt by his armored legs or take damage by its acid-spitting. In that case, the best way is to keep a safe distance where none of these attacks deal damage to you. The enemy moves faster. So, make sure it is not closing the gap.

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While fighting this enemy, don’t waste your energy by randomly firing anywhere at the enemy. Instead, players need to figure out the vulnerable spot of the creature. Like every other Helldivers 2 enemy, Bile Titans have their weak point, which is the bright green portion of the body, but the tricky part is that this section is located underneath. So, players can’t easily make things work. Every other part of the body is covered will armor and unless you have destroyed the armor, the creature won’t take damage there.

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Weak point of Bile Titans in Helldivers 2

Along with the bright green section underneath its body, players can also target its mouth. This is another weak spot of the enemy and comparatively easy to land shots. Stay away from the creature and use a ranged weapon with scope to accomplish your objective. Zoom in on the mouth of the gigantic bug and shoot it.

The battle arena has black rocks everywhere. Players can use them as their cover to hide and shoot the enemy. However, this won’t work for long as it will continuously approach you and keep its attacks going on. In these scenarios, players need teammates to survive. If you can use one as bait and divert the attention of the creature towards him, you will get enough time to prepare and land your shots at proper spots.

That’s everything players need to do to defeat Bile Titans in Helldivers 2. These enemies are challenging to take down, so, the strategy will play the key role. Stick to your strategy and keep hitting the vulnerable spots of the bug to take it down sooner.