If you are on your journey to explore the world of Helldivers 2, the Automaton enemies are all over there to make the journey difficult. After the success of Helldivers, players have been expecting a lot from the sequel of the game. Fortunately, the game has fulfilled their expectations mostly. To make the game thrilling and challenging Helldivers 2 has different types of Automaton robot enemies that can be proved deadly if you are not aware of their attacks and how to ensure your security. Unfortunately, Berserkers come to that list and players need to deal with them carefully, if they are not willing to get eliminated in the process. So, if you get stuck while trying to fight these enemies and looking for some help about how to defeat Berserkers, this guide will help you with all the required information.

Before we proceed further and look into the method to defeat Berserkers, this guide will give you detailed information about the enemy you are going to face, including their weaknesses.

Where to Find Berserkers in Helldivers 2- Location Explained

In Helldivers 2, all the Automaton enemies are heavily armored enemies who can give you a hard time fighting them. If you aren’t yet sure of the Berserkers, let me tell you, these are the chainsaw-wielding robot enemies that you’ll come across in Automaton operations. Whether you get them as an elimination mission where you have to eliminate several of them to get medals, or you can level up your difficulty level to see them spawning frequently during Bot Missions.

defeat berserkers helldivers 2
Helldivers 2 Berserker

Berserkers can be spawned from the initial difficulty levels to the highest ones. Now, if you are trying to eliminate a lot of them to complete a daily mission, you have to set your difficulty level to challenging or at a higher one. The more you play at an advance level the more you will encounter Elite enemies.

To be precise, finding Berserkers is not tough. Instead, they can easily be found on planets that are controlled by Automaton forces. Players can use the Galactic War map to locate the planets. With all this information in mind, let’s move forward to the next step of fighting Berserkers in Helldivers 2.

Strategies to Fight Berserkers in Helldivers 2

Like all other Automaton enemies, Berserkers also have the same intention to chop you into pieces with their chainsaws. However, the tricky part arises when you realise that these enemies can’t be stopped by placing ocstacles. They can chop everything off to reach you. Even if you hide behind a cover, you are not secured from them as they can cut everything to access you. So, there’s no way you can hide from them and we recommend not to try that process. Instead, face them and fight them.

Berserkers are not easy to fight at close range. These enemies lack range, but they can chop you into pieces if you get stuck in the melee range. Their melee attacks are deadly. Berserkers can chase you all the time, but until you come within melee range they can’t attack you. So, the best way is to attack them from mid or long-range. Players can choose a sniper or a machine gun to deal damage to the enemies.

defeat berserkers helldivers 2
Berserker Fight in Helldivers 2

Make sure the weapon you are bringing does heavy damage. Don’t forget to maintain your distance from the enemy. Don’t get too close or you will get eliminated. Of course, you can bring Stratagems like, Railgun, FLAM-40 Flamethrower, and the Anti-Material Rifle to fight these enemies, but don’t get entirely dependent on the Stratagems.

Stratagems can be used once at a time and then players need to wait patiently till the cooldown timer ends. These weapons have a long cooldown timer and unless it ends, there’s no way players can use the Stratagems again.

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Coming to the weaknesses of Berserkers, players need to know that these enemies are a little different than others. While most automaton units have a single weak spot to hit, Berserkers have more than one. While their entire body is covered by heavy armor, players can easily find their head as their weakest part of the body. When Berserkers attack you, you will see their head is uncovered and that’s the spot where you need to shoot to take them down. We recommend using a Sniper to aim at their head from a distance where they can’t easily reach you. Fortunately, Berserkers don’t move faster.

defeat berserkers helldivers 2
Berserker Weak Spot

Apart from the head, Berserkers have another weak spot that players can try if they want to take the enemy down faster. Players must hit the core of its body. Though the enemy has armor covered body, you can still see a red glowing spot on the core of their body. This is where players need to hit to take this enemy down. If you can land a few successful shots at the head or core of their body, the takedown process will take only a few seconds.

Now that problem is if you are alone and you are facing a whole group of high-level Berserkers. These enemies generally preferred to roam and hunt in a group and that’s where the challenge comes. We recommend using an explosive weapon to weaken them faster. During the entire process, make sure to keep changing your position, so they can’t find you at melee distance. Alternatively, if you want to kill all of them together, you can use Precision Orbital Strike to finish the entire group. However, if you are trying to use, it make sure to warn your teammates (if any). This stratagem has an AoE attack and whoever comes within its range will get damaged.

That’s everything you can try to take down Berserkers in Helldivers 2. Indeed Berserkers are not the toughest robot enemies to face. There are several more challenging enemies in the game to give players a hard time, but Berserkers can prove fatal if you don’t take them seriously. These enemies can jump quite higher on the platforms, so getting on a platform can’t really save you from these enemies. So, from the beginning, don’t try to hide; instead, try to face them and take the initiative to take them down as soon as possible.