One of the many things Horizon Forbidden West does right is its balance between the old and new. Instead of replacing mechanics and machines from Zero Dawn, it builds on them, creating meaningful yet significant differences in the sequel that blends well with its new additions.

The Thunderjaw is a perfect showcase of this new-found balance. Guerilla Games did not phase out a great design from their original title but made it faster, stronger, and every bit as deadly as Aloy would remember it to be. While taking down a Thunderjaw may be muscle memory to returning players for the franchise, new players may need a bit of help in taking down this deadly adversary.

Designed for Ruthlessness

Horizon Forbidden West’s fan favorite.

The Thunderjaw is among the Horizon series’ Heavyweight machines. Its monstrous size is no indicator of its deceptive agility and speed but it can give any player a reasonable idea about the firepower it brings to a fight.

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Its bipedal design, long body, and heavy tail make it dangerous at close range, while a series of cannons and turrets maintain long-distance damage in the form of plasma bursts, lasers, and missiles. Able to create distance or close it, the Apex Thunderjaw is formidable to even the most talented machine hunters.

While normal Thunderjaw variants can be found in the open world, Apex variants are rare. Aloy encounters one at Ted Faro’s Tomb in the story. The Apex Thunderjaw is simply a more aggressive variant of the normal Thunderjaw, which is already quite aggressive to begin with.

Thunderjaws remain a viable threat in Forbidden West, just as they did in Zero Dawn. Their presence on a battlefield can be enough to turn the tide of a fight.

However, with the right tactics and equipment, taking this predatory machine down should become a lot easier. Just be ready for a lot of dodging.

How to Defeat Apex Thunderjaw in Horizon Forbidden West

Time for a SWOT Analysis?

As with any deadly machine in Horizon Forbidden West, the biggest advantage you could create against it is in bringing the right gear and ammunition. The Apex Thunderjaw is strong against frost, fire, plasma, shock, and purge water but is exceptionally weak to acid.

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On the defensive front, using armor that is resistant to fire and plasma is highly recommended. Aim for a lot of physical defense as the Thunderjaw can easily remove Aloy off the board if things don’t go according to plan.

Focus on Tear Damage and Precision Arrows to improve your chances of knocking off crucial offensive components from the Thunderjaw, turning its strengths against it. It can also call for backup on some occasions, so be ready for some crowd control. Removing the radar component can disable this attack.

An easy way to do some early damage to the Apex Thunderjaw is to detach its disc launchers, one of which can be found on each of its shoulders. These launch explosive discs that hover in the air before shooting toward their target for huge damage. The Apex Thunderjaw can be brought down fairly easily with the strategic use of these potent weapons. They can be used to take care of the laser cannons on the machine’s jaw, and the whip section of its tail, eliminating a ranged and melee attack option each from its arsenal.

The laser cannons are dangerous when they are used by the Thunderjaw, with two straight lasers searing searing the area in front of it, at range. The whip attack from the tail can easily be dodged but you risk sustaining a lot of damage if your timing fails.

The Thunderjaw certainly cuts an imposing figure.

With its major damage-dealing attacks out of the way, you now have some breathing room to attack a couple of critical weak points. Acid Arrows work best at chipping away on the plating covering the Apex Thunderjaw’s Heart and Data Nexus, both of which can be attacked for massive damage.

The machine is not going to go down without a fight though. In the absence of its ranged options, the Apex Thunderjaw will try to get up close, with regular charged attacks mixed in with a few slams and swipes from its tail.

Dodging at the right moments can leave it open for a counterattack, and focusing your attacks on critical weak points can quickly bring it down and end the fight. Apex Thunderjaws are dangerous threats to Aloy when she encounters them, but knowing where to hit them – and with what – can make all the difference.

If you’re struggling to defeat the Apex Thunderjaw, you’re probably in need of help with defeating Slitherfang as well. Be sure to check that and any of the other Horizon Forbidden West guides out and make each fight simple and easy!