Rise of the Ronin takes interesting approaches to introducing a diverse supporting cast. With characters both local and foreign vying for the help of the RoninBond Missions are Team Ninja’s way of keeping your focus on the ones who matter. Some of them offer up rewards and skill points, while others can even grant the Ronin new gear and weapons altogether. Others offer interesting insights into the game’s main story.

Take Marcus Samuel, for example. He is introduced almost randomly to the Ronin but becomes central to understanding the conflict in Yokohama if you were to pursue requests from him and other Americans like Matthew Perry.

The First Encounter With Perry

Only Rise of the Ronin could have you do the prologue boss a favor.

The Ronin first meets Perry in the first story mission, where you are tasked with killing him alongside your Blade Twin. Things haven’t gone according to plan, and Perry might have important information regarding their fate. Find him at the Yokohama Grand Villa.

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He seems to have put the past behind him and requests your help in securing a peaceful bond between his men and the locals, who have not taken kindly to their presence. He offers you information in exchange, making his missions tie in well with the main story.

Completing Peace Negotiations in Rise of the Ronin

Perry is not one to burn bridges.

Samuel has heard of a dispute between his men and local fishermen that could turn ugly without the right interference. Of course, he turns to the Ronin for help. From the Grand Villa, head towards the quest marker.

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Upon arrival, you find that the conflict is indeed escalating. Speak to the locals after the cutscene to be presented with a few dialogue options. We went with Persuade, which seemed the most peaceful at the time. Either way, these options only decide which of the groups you will be fighting. In this case, it was the three samurai.

Time to play the peacemaker.

They are basic enemies, and using combat styles and Countersparks should make short work of them. The mission ends after the cutscene, rewarding you with 1200 Coins, 30XP, an American Rifle Mk. IIrifle bullets, a Foreign Book, and a Van de Velde’s Painting.

With that, your second Bond Mission with Samuel is complete, allowing you to dive back into exploring Yokohama, or the main story.