Ine Kusumoto is one of the many characters from Rise of the Ronin’s supporting cast with whom you can build a bond – granting you a peek into her ambitions while bagging a few unique rewards along the way. Building a favor with her also allows you to choose her as a romantic interest and eventually share a Vailed Vow with her once your bond and favor levels with her are high enough.

Your Ronin first encounters her in the Edo region as part of the main story during the mission It Hurts to Be Good where you protect her medical school from a nasty attack by expulsionist forces. Her drive to help the local populace is evident from the get-go, and she only deepens her resolve to find a cure for cholera as her narrative unfolds. Building a bond with her also improves your ability to recover more health from medicinal pills in combat – a trait she shares with the Japanese samurai and scholar Yukichi Fukuzawa.

The Cure for Cholera

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While the aforementioned story mission merely acts as a starting point for your Ronin’s quest to help those suffering from the cholera epidemic, it is Ine’s bond missions that actually take that story beat forward. Ine’s Worries is the second Bond Mission that you unlock after you complete the Fruit From Distant Shores Bond Mission. You need to be at Bond Level 2 with Ine before this mission becomes available to you.

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After you obtain lemons from Mr. Robert Fortune, the Scottish botanist, Ine attempts to use lemon-infused water to create a cure but finds out that it only serves to ease the pain that her patients feel. Dissatisfied with the results of her attempt, she seeks out a more permanent – and effective -solution.

How to Complete Ine’s Worries in Rise of the Ronin


It is at this stage that your Ronin steps in to help. Head on over to the Bond Mission marker at the Kanda Medical School to get the mission started. Ine tells you that she needs to get her hands on Western medical texts to learn more about treating deadly diseases and that the British Legation we burned down in The Fire Attack mission is a good place to look.

Note that Ine expects your Ronin not to kill anyone during this mission. Fortunately, a lone Veiled Edge warrior is a living weapon on their own. You could choose to equip wooden swords or your bare fists for this mission to ensure that you meet this requirement, further deepening your bond with the noble physician.

Once the mission begins, hop over the broken section of the wall and go north until you see a run-down white house. Find a grappling point at its rear section and use it to find a lootable chest on its upper floor. This contains the first medical text that you came here for. The exit point for the mission is nearby, so remember your relative position as you will need to return once you collect the rest of the texts.


Proceed south to find a set of stairs leading to a gate. Once you pass the gate, take the stairs to its left and proceed west through the tall grass to find the next chest containing the second text for you to collect.

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Backtrack a little and head northwest to encounter a few enemies and a fairly linear path up some more stairs. You could choose to assassinate the enemy guarding the final chest from the tall grass or fight them head-on. Either way, collect the third text and Ine remarks that you could exit through the back door.

Head back to the white house from earlier and proceed north till you find a broken wall and a Veiled Edge banner for you to raise. Get across it to find your path blocked by two enemies. They comment on your lack of thieving skills (the nerve), revealing that they were watching you all along.

With a Little Help From Your Friends

While these two enemies function like most normal enemies, taking them on together could prove a challenge. Fortunately, Ine steps in, hurling poisonous projectiles at them to keep them off balance. With a bit of caution and the effective use of your combat styles and Countersparks, both of them can be defeated eventually, ending the mission and improving your bond with Ine.

Is your time in ancient Japan a tad more difficult than it should be? Perhaps our exclusive guides can tip the odds in your favor! Head on over to learn more about Rise of the Ronin’s many challenges – and how to tackle them.