Rise of the Ronin introduces a slew of new characters all through its main narrative. Some of these characters come and go, and even take their people with them when they do!

Matthew Perry from the game’s prologue is a great example of this. You fight him once before the Blue Demon steps in, setting the game’s story in motion. However, as events in the story unfold, you soon find your Ronin presented with the option to ally themselves with Perry instead. It’s a small world indeed.

Building your bond with Perry can earn some valuable XP and rewards early on in the main story, while unlocking a lot of utility for handguns as you progress through his Bond Missions.

Some Jobs Need a Neutral Party

Find Perry at the Yokohama Manor.

From events on the Black Ship, his first Bond Mission Peaceful Negotiations sees you help him pacify a local dispute between his soldiers and samurai. Turns out that there’s more at play here.

Perry plans to achieve the AMerican goal of establishing trade with the Japanese shogunate despite local resistance. However, he seems to realize that a peaceful approach can yield better long-term results. This is where your Ronin comes in.

Back at Yokohama Manor, Perry needs your help again. This time, he aims to get into the good graces of a high-ranking Japanese official with the hope of establishing peaceful trade. He aims to do this with an expensive present. And you are to pick up the official’s gift from a nearby building.

SUGGESTED: How to Complete The Black Jewel (Bond Mission) in Rise of the Ronin

Head on over to the location marked on your map to find a few basic enemies between you and the officials present. Take them out with deadly force and head on inside to find the gift, a bottle of fancy liquor. Classy.

A nice change from Rise of the Ronin’s usual pace!

With the gift in hand, head on west across the street to the drop location. Another fight triggers against a large enemy variant. He is just a regular enemy with a larger health bar. Using the right combat style agaisnt his weapon and a few well-timed Coutnersparks can make short work of him. Take him out to view a cutscene and end the mission.

SUGGESTED: How to Complete A Lucky Find Put to Use (Bond Mission) in Rise of the Ronin

You improve your Bond Level with Perry while earning, 1900 Coins, 35XP, a Commodore’s SabreCommodore’s RevolverCommodore’s Uniform, and a Foreign Book for your efforts.

You could also visit a dojo to train with Perry to further improve your Bond, while also giving him suitable gifts at regular intervals. Doing so nets special rewards at each level of your Bond – and is a must if you are trying to learn the US Training combat style.