Horizon Forbidden West used to be one of the most popular PlayStation games released in 2022. The game doesn’t only continue Aloy’s journey after Horizon Zero Dawn, but it also features a great gameplay mechanism that includes tons of activities to complete throughout the journey. The more you explore the massive open world of the game, the more you will discover different machines roaming around. Some of them are aggressive, while others are peaceful. Tallneck is among these peaceful machines that players can even climb. 

The game features different types of Tallnecks, and all of them are peaceful machines that won’t do any harm to players. However, they are climbable, but this feature is not a default one. So, it is not at all shocking if you are looking for some help to understand the process of climbing a Shining Waste Tallneck. While roaming around the location, you will find shining Tallnecks roaming around, but there’s no exact path to climb the machines.

Without finding the exact way, players can’t ride the machine, no matter what. So, this guide will help you figure the way out to climb the Shining Wastes Tallneck in Horizon Forbidden West. Before that let’s check out why you should ride a Tallenck.

Horizon Forbidden West- Why to Climb a Tallneck?

shining wastes tallneck horizon forbidden west
Spotting a Tallneck

That’s indeed a significant query players may wonder. Once you start exploring different parts of the map, Aloy will meet new machines and Tallnecks is one of the giant machines. They appear quite similar to a Giraffe with a tall neck and comparatively short body. These machines roam around without doing any harm to players, but still, they are essential and players need to approach them whenever they encounter them in a new region.

The reason behind overtiring them is that they work like a tracking device that reveals the mysterious surrounding areas of the location and activities. The map of the game is fog-covered which makes the areas a bit scary and mysterious for Aloy. However, once Aloy overrides a Tallneck, they can use it to uncover the necessary information about the unexplored surrounding areas and quests. 

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To override a Tallneck, first Aloy needs to climb them and then approach the center of its head and press the instructed button once. For the PlayStation players, it is the Triangle button. Once Aloy overrides a Tallneck and gets the information, a lot of areas will be uncovered. The mist will disappear from there. 

The Shining Wastes Tallneck is not an exception. So, this is high time to know how to climb it.

Horizon Forbidden West- How to Climb Shining Wastes Tallneck?

Horizon Forbidden West has numerous activities to complete, including multiple quests and side quests. However, all these activities are designed to serve some purposes, and climbing Shining Wastes  Tallneck comes within them. Precisely, among the six Tallnecks, Aloy can climb all five at the moment she first encounters them, but this specific one can’t be climbed until she comes to the end of the story and unlocks the Wings of the Ten.

This is a main story mission that can’t be ignored or missed. As you keep progressing through the game, you will eventually get the quest and climb the Tallneck. The moment you spot the Shining Wastes Tallneck, Aloy will utter that there’s no way to climb it. Well, she is right, for that moment, you can just ignore that process and keep your progress on until you reach the End-game missions.

shining wastes tallneck horizon forbidden west
Flying using Sunwing

During the end-game missions, Aloy will get and complete the mandatory one named, Wings of the Ten. In this mission, she will get the ability to unlock a new mount named Sunwing that can help her fly throughout the world. With this mount unlocked, it is time when Aloy can climb the Shining Wastes Tallneck. 

Players can easily call the Sunwing whenever they want and as part of the mission, they have to approach the Tallneck to repair it. To do it, simply call the Sunwing, fly to Shining Wastes, and go above the head of the machine. Jump on its head and, that’s all. Now, you can override it to clear the mist of the surrounding areas. 

That’s the only option to climb and override the Shining Wastes Tallneck. Now, if you are unaware of the hidden Tallneck location which is close to the one you have climbed, check out the next section.

Where to Find the Salt Bite Hidden Tallneck in Horizon Forbidden West?

shining wastes tallneck horizon forbidden west
IOTA Cauldron Activity

We have already mentioned that the game has six Tallnecks and among them, one is hidden. While Aloy can spot the five of them easily without many issues, one Tallneck requires some effort to be discovered. If you are looking for the Salt Bite Tallneck, let me tell you, it can be found in the east side lake in Salt Bite.

Now, after reading this guide, if you visit the area and find no Tallneck roaming around, that’s not your mistake or glitch. That’s the game mechanics. The Salt Bite Tallneck will appear only after you have completed the IOTA Cauldron activity. The Tallneck is featured on the map but it is stuck inside a Cauldron. Once Aloy completes the activity, it will start roaming like others.

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The Cauldron is tricky to complete as the main entrance can’t be used to enter it. Instead, players need to find a hidden entrance to proceed through the activity. We are not going to spoil everything and ruin the excitement. It’s just that, you will find the Salt Bite Tallneck roaming inside. The climbing process is the same as others and once Aloy climbs it, she can override it. 

That’s everything players need to know about how to climb the Shining Wastes Tallneck in Horizon Forbidden West. The process is a bit complicated, but that’s the only way to climb and override it. Another thing to remember about the Tallnecks is that they are not killable machines. As peaceful machines, the game doesn’t allow Aloy to take down Tallnecks and that’s equally applicable for all six of them.