Palworld is the latest released action-adventure and survival game that has combined elements from different games. If you have played the Pokemon series games, you will find the Palworld Pal-catching mechanism similar. Just like the Pokemon games, Palworld has uncountable Pals to collect and fill their Paldeck. From the very beginning of the game, you have to catch Pals to progress further in the game. As you explore new regions, you will unlock new Pals to collect. But if you haven’t ever played any monster-catching game before, you may find this process a bit tricky. So, this guide will help you with all the necessary information about catching Pals in Palworld.

What are Pals in Palworld?

how to catch pals
Pal Catching Process in Palworld

Pals are unique, but mostly cute creatures spread throughout the map of Palworld. Just like the Pokemon, players need to capture Pals to enrich their collection and progress further. Though survival should be the main focus of players in this game, it can’t be possible without Pals. These creatures will help players with lots of activities, including battles and other base-works.

Mostly, Pals are innocent and captivating creatures whom you can easily get, but some are exceptions. These Pals are aggressive and will fight back hard. So, you must know how to capture them otherwise, you may kill them in the process.

Tips to Catch Pals in Palworld- Make a Pal Sphere

If you are grinding through Palworld, you probably have realized that if you can’t catch Pals randomly. Just like Pokeballs, this game has Pal Spheres to capture Pals. This works the same as Pokeballs. Don’t worry if you are a new player and have no idea of this process. We will explain everything.

First, let’s start by getting Pal Sphere. Pal Spheres can be found lying on the ground throughout the map, but that’s a rare scenario. You can’t depend on it when these are required for one of the key activities of the game. So, the developers have provided players with a method to craft Pal Spheres. The process is not troublesome.

how to catch pals
Pal Sphere Recipe in Palworld

The first thing you need to do is to unlock the recipe through the Technology Menu. To do that, you must reach level 2. This will unlock the basic Pal Sphere that you can then craft using the following materials:

  • 1x Paldium Fragment
  • 5x Wood,
  • 5x Stone

These are the simplest resources to find in the initial stages of the game. If you are looking for wood, you can find plenty of fallen branches on the ground. Additionally, the world is full of trees that you can hit to get wood. For Stone, look for the small rocks. If you collect a small rock, you will get 2 stones. Otherwise, there will be large rocks. Hit them with a pickaxe to get stones.

About the Paldium Fragment, it is still a bit less found in the game. But it’s not like you will have a hard time finding it. Instead, players often locate blue glowing stones in the world. Get a pickaxe and harvest Paldium Fragments from it. After you get all the resources, interact with the Primitive Workbench to craft Pal Spheres.

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One thing you must remember is that not every Pal can be captured using a basic Pal Sphere. As you progress, eventually you will encounter high-level Pals whom you can’t capture using the basic Pal Sphere. For them, the game has prepared different high-tier Pal Spheres that you will unlock as you level up.

Tips to Catch Pals in Palworld- Fight a Pal and Weaken It

Now that you have Pal Spheres, your next step to catch a Pal is to locate its location. Not every Pal you are looking for can be found near your base. Some roam far away from your base. Once you locate the Pal you are looking for, you have to approach it stealthily from behind. Check the health of the creature and if it has a low health, you can throw the Pal Sphere to catch it.

However, if the Pal has a full healthbar, you can’t probably catch it directly without weakening it. So, fight the Pal, but make sure you only lower its health and not killing it. Once the health of the Pal goes down to half and less than that, throw the Pal Sphere to catch it.

how to catch pals
Pal Catching Process in Palworld

Once you throw the Pal Sphere, the tool with show you the Pal capturing percentage. Though 100 will be the best, even 60 will work. But sometimes the process fails and the Pal gets out of the Sphere. Immediately throw another Pal Sphere, if possible a high-tier one to capture it. Mega-Sphere mostly assures the success of the process. Anyway, it won’t be built during the early stages. Also, don’t miss your target. If you throw a Pal Sphere and it misses the target, you will lose the equipment.

How to Use Pals in Palworld

how to catch pals
Assigning Tasks to Pals in Palworld

Once you have captured a Pal, you can add them to your base and they will do miscellaneous work on your behalf. From lightning your furnaces, to farming crops, building structures, battling enemies, Pals can do each and every work in the game. But that should be based on their abilities. You can’t assign them random works. You must check the details of the Pal and find out the abilities it has before assigning it to work.

Each Pal you capture must have a unique ability. Open the Palbox, select a Pal, and click on View Details. There you will find the tasks the specific Pal can perform. For example, if you are at an early stage of the game, get Gumoss for plating seeds, Pengullet for watering your crops, and Lamball to farm. Now, if you want to mine, you must get Depresso or Tombat. If you are looking for a fire-throwing Pal for your furnaces, get Foxsparks or Rooby. To sum things up, for each activity, you will find a Pal in Palworld.

That’s all you need to know to catch Pals in Palworld. Once you capture them, you have to take care of them as well. This includes feeding them when they get the hunger status or healing them whenever the Pals get injured.