The Assassin in Ghost of Tsushima: Legends can be a challenging class to play. However, with the right approach to combat, you can easily become a deadly whirlwind of damage and take out even the toughest enemies with ease. 

Perfecting your build in Ghost of Tsushima’s multiplayer mode is a matter of choosing a specific playstyle for that class and gradually unlocking the right skills and gear to complement it. With that in mind, it’s time to dive into the best way to play and build the Assassin in Legends.

Tricks of the Light, Sleights of Hand

From the shadows, with love.

Playing an Assassin on a team in Ghost of Tsushima: Legends requires a tactical approach to combat, with a lot of focus on positioning yourself for the best possible outcomes. 

With a lot of abilities geared towards elemental damage, stealth, and staggers, the Assassin relies on sowing chaos among enemy ranks to pick off the toughest ones from the shadows.

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In brief moments of hand-to-hand combat, the focus should be on building resolve while waiting for your abilities to revive from cooldown periods. Remember, the Assassin works best from the shadows, preferring to leave the spotlight on the Samurai and Hunter classes. 

Making the most of the Assassin’s playstyle is possible with the right selection of techniques and complementary gear. It’s time to dig deeper.

How to Build the Best Assassin in Ghost of Tsushima’s Legends

The glass cannon in Ghost of Tsushima: Legends.

Beginning with a suitable Weapon, a katana with the Water Stance equipped works best. The Assassin can use its series of quick slashes (just hold and release the triangle button once the attack charges up) to break through enemy guards and open them up for critical attacks. Its normal attacks are also good for crowd control, which works well with the Assassin’s Weapon Techniques.

The Blowgun with hallucination darts is the perfect ranged option for the Assassin, allowing them to inflict stagger damage while also turning enemies into allies. Just remember to remind your teammates not to attack your targets to avoid negating the darts’ effects. 

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For your Weapon Techniques, the first one to look out for is Toxic Vanish. By pressing down on your d-pad, your Assassin vanishes in an explosion of poison, inflicting the status on several enemies in the vicinity. It also inflicts a fair amount of stagger damage while making you undetectable – perfect for a few stealth assassinations. 

Next, Super Assassination builds on the stealth opportunities from Toxic Vanish by unlocking a stronger assassination mapped to the triangle button while in stealth. It is great for heavily armored targets with massive health bars. What’s more, this ability can be chained very effectively when it is used in tandem with the other weapon techniques and Charms in this build. 

The third Weapon Technique you will need for this build is Opportunist, which grants 50% bonus damage to staggered enemies. Considering that Toxic Vanish does stagger enemies while you can continue inflicting it with your katana and blowgun as the need arises, the bonus stays on for most of your time in the field, making this important to maintaining an optimal damage output. 

Your Charms must be geared towards reducing ability cooldowns as much as you can manage, letting you slip in and out of combat with ease while your enemies continue to drop without a clue as to what hit them. 

The Assassin is a core member of any squad.

For your Ghost Weapons, the Spirit Kunai is a fine choice. Your Assassin throws out two Kunai at a time, and each has the potential to reduce cooldowns by 15% on kills. With the poison status sapping away at enemy health, it can be a good idea to throw these out when you find yourself overwhelmed. They can allow you to quickly re-enter stealth and dish out some retribution against tougher crowds. 

Of course, no Assassin build can be complete without the trusty Smoke Bomb, a tried and tested method for confusing enemies and used to great effect in Legends. This Ghost Weapon acts as a secondary option to enter stealth in the absence of Toxic Vanish.

Finally, Chain Vanish brings all of your gear and skills together, letting you re-enter stealth and reset cooldowns for single-hit kills, which is basically what the Assassin is all about. 

With this combination of skills and gear, you should find yourself constantly using Toxic Vanish to keep your enemies on the backfoot with a constant chain of assassinations using Chain Vanish. The Smoke Bombs and Kunai can help keep your cooldowns in check while also maintaining your highest possible damage output in hand-to-hand combat situations. 

It’s time to dive into Ghost of Tsushima: Legends to test out your new stealthy Assassin. With three other classes to explore, perhaps the Samurai could be your next pick. For more on Legends and the main game, check out our Ghost of Tsushima guides to be one with the island and protect it from the Mongols.