Palworld is one of the biggest released games of 2024. Based on the Pokemon theme, this open-world survival game presents players with a similar experience of catching Pals and progressing through the game. Though, capturing Pals will every time take players through fights, these are not the only fights. If you have played Pokemon games, you must be aware that these games have boss fights and Palworld is exactly the same. As you start exploring the map, you will eventually reach the first boss fight of the game, which is the Joe & Grizzbolt fight.

Boss fights are never been easy, but the Grizzbolt fight is one of the toughest ones, especially because it is the very first boss fight. So, if you are trying to know how to beat Grizzbolt in Palworld, this guide will help you with all the necessary information.

Before we move to the fighting process and discuss how to counter the boss, let’s check out the location where you will find Joe and Grizzbolt.

Where to Find Grizzbolt in Palworld?

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Zoe and Grizzbolt

Joe and Grizzbolt is not only an integral part of the game’s story but also a mandatory part of the tutorial. If you follow the tutorial of the game, you will eventually unlock the Rayne Syndicate Tower, one of the essential areas of the game, and inside this tower, players will face Grizzbolt.

There’s a fast travel point, next to the tower and players can easily fast travel to the location from their base. As you approach the tower, you will get the prompt to join the battle. Press the instructed button and you will enter the tower with a cutscene where Zoe will appear and release Grizzbolt from her Pal Sphere.

Grizzbolt is a giant, electric pal with multiple deadly attacks. So, don’t underestimate this boss fight because it is the first boss fight. Here, we must clear one thing, the developers have fixed the glitch and now, you can either kill Grizzbolt or get killed by it. There’s no way to capture it.

SUGGESTED: How to Catch Pals in Palworld

With all this information in mind, first, let’s check how players need to get prepared for the fight. If you go underprepared, the fight will cost you a hefty price. So, make sure you go through the preparation section of the guide.

How to Prepare for the Grizzbolt Fight in Palworld

Grizzbolt is one of the toughest electric-type Pal you will face in the early game. Don’t underestimate the powers of Grizzbolt as they can take you down in two hits. Now that you are going to fight an Electric-type pal, you must bring a ground-type Pal to deal the most damage. Grizzbolt is weak to ground-type attacks.

Grizzbolt can either attack you with electric abilities or shoot you from a distance. Sometimes, it can chase you to land attacks on you. At this point of the game, not many areas you have explored to get powerful and higher-level ground-type Pals. So, the best choices you have are Rushoar and Fuddler. These are commonly found Pals and players can capture them earlier in the game.

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Fuddler Stats in Palworld

Rushoar can be found at the starting area of the game. For the Fuddler, you need to visit the dungeons. They spawn inside caves. These two pals will be most effective against Grizzbolt. Additioanlly, Bring Daedream. Daedream is one of the best early-game pals and can effectively damage the very first boss of the game.

Before you go for the fight, make sure, you have mastered the skill of dodging attacks. Additionally, keep lots of food in your inventory, so, you can supply your Pals with food whenever they get damaged or hungry.

Generally, you can use one Pal at a time, but, if you have already equipped the Daedream’s Necklace, you can use two Pals simultaneously. With this Necklace, Daedream will always follow you and fight enemies whenever required. The necklace unlocks at level 8. Therefore, it is better to take some time and after you arrange all the necessary items, go for the fight.

Now that you are prepared for the fight, let’s jump into the Grizzbolt fight and check how to defeat the first boss of the game.

Palworld Grizzbolt Fight- What are the Useful Strategies?

As you step into the fight and Grizzbolt appears, choose your Pal and shoot the boss with an arrow. Your Pals will immediately start attacking Grizzbolt. The battle arena has several pillars. Players can hide behind them. However, it will be the only way to save yourself. Anyway, the boss will eventually locate you behind the pillars. So, keep running through the battle arena and change cover.

To win the fight, the first thing players need do is to understand the moves of Grizzbolt. The boss comes with a huge health pool of 30550. Unless you know the boss’s pattern of attacks, you can’t fight it. Another tricky part about this fight is that this fight must be completed within a set time. As soon as you start the battle, you will see a timer also start. The boss must be taken down within 10 minutes.

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Grizzbolt Fight

While you have to stay behind the pillars, don’t stay inactive. Instead, shoot arrows towards the boss to deal some damage. But make sure the boss doesn’t notice you. You can use the three-shot bow, as it shoots three arrows simultaneously. Though the pillars can block long-range incoming attacks, things won’t be as simple as they seem. The boss can sometimes come near you to hit you.

Headshots do the most damage, but they are pretty tricky to land. If you want to land headshots, you can let your Pals distract Grizzbolt and go behind the boss. Now, shoot arrows to hit its head. Go behind a pillar immediately after the hit, so the boss doesn’t spot you.

SUGGESTED: 7 Pals You’ll Want to Catch Early On in Palworld

This fight will take time, and during the entire fight, keep rotating your Pals. Your Pals will take damage and need some time to heal. Until one pal heals, use another one. You can bring five pals for the fight which makes the rotating process easier. Additionally, keep repositioning your Pals. Based on the boss’s position and attacks, you can take back and reposition your pals. Keep these strategies going on throughout the fight and you will take the boss down.

That’s everything players need to know about beating Grizzbolt in Palworld. Once the boss is dead, players will receive an achievement and five Ancient Technology points as rewards.