Helldivers 2 has a widely spread popularity among gamers. The more players explore the gameplay, the more one thing becomes clear that Arrowhead has not taken their time for nothing. To make the game realistic and challenging, they have added a few features that players probably haven’t even discovered yet. Once players start their journey, they will realize that avoiding enemies is almost impossible in the game as they welcome them at every step. Based on the difficulty level and the objectives they are trying to complete, players will encounter Automaton and Terminid enemies. However, a recent information from Arrowhead CEO Johan Pilestedt has blown out players’ minds.

Helldivers 2 Has a Unique Enemy Feature That Seems to Make the Game More Challenging For Solo Players

In this third-person shooter game, players often try to sneakily get past the enemies, especially if they are playing solo. However, if you have tried your best not to make any sound, but still the enemy spotted you, that’s not a coincidence. Instead, they have smelled you. Well, during a recent play session with YouTuber OperatorDrewski, Johan Pilestedt revealed this shocking news that some of Helldivers 2 enemies can smell players, if they come within a certain radius. 

During the session, OperatorDrewski asked about playing Helldivers 2 as a stealth game and in reply, the Gaming Director of Arrowhead revealed that they haven’t designed the game as a stealth one. Instead, in Helldivers 2, enemy units have sight and hearing abilities, along with some of them having smelling ability. Pilestedt expressed, “They also have an approximation of smell within a close radius. If you’re in proximity of some of the units that are very sensory aware, like the Stalker, they will detect you no matter if they can see you.”

terminid fighting
Helldivers 2 Terminid Fighting

This is extremely vital information that most players haven’t yet figured out, even after getting killed by the enemy creatures, when there was no chance of them seeing players. The game is already challenging enough, and this information increased the level to another height. 

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While the mention of Stalker confirms that some Terminid enemies have this smelling ability, Pilestedt forgot to mention whether Automatons also have this ability. Well, the robot enemies may not smell players, but Stalker smelling players is one of the bad news. Stalkers are already one of the most annoying Terminid enemies, and with this ability now they are inevitable to fight. There’s no way you can fool them.

Helldivers 2 Has Introduced Two Changes to The Game to Surprise Players After The Balanced Update

While enemies are already becoming one of the hardest aspects of the game to handle after the balanced update that substantially nerfed the Railgun. Players have been complaining about the spawn rate of Chargers and Bile Titans and how much they are giving hard times defeating them. Arrowhead assured fans that they have been working on it and finally a few hours back on March 13, 2014, they made two changes. 

First, they really did reduce the spawn rate of Chargers. Through an official Twitter Post they have announced this part. Just when players thought the game would be easier now, they discovered the second change.

Arrowhead added a flying bug enemy, Shriekers. Until now, the game doesn’t have any flying enemies to deal with; therefore, adding a new type of bug will make the game more exciting. However, the developers have added it sneakily without any prior information about this new enemy.