Helldivers 2 has created an instant fanbase from the moment it was released. From the beginning of the game, players need to fight different threats to complete the objectives. The process and the fights are thrilling and challenging. So, the first thing players need to focus on is the weapons. Helldivers 2 has different weapons to deal with enemies, but players love to choose weapons based on their stats. That’s where the game makes things a bit messy.

From the beginning, players have been curious about the weapon stats, and the game only shows four of them. However, a recent post reveals that there’s a different story and players can get a better way to compare weapons if some features haven’t been removed.

Helldivers 2 Fans Demand For Bringing Back the Most Demanded Weapon Stats- Game Director Answered All

Helldivers 2 is one of the most anticipated games of this year and players have been praising the gameplay throughout. However, from the beginning, the weapon stat section of the game shows only four stats damage, capacity, recoil, and fire rate. While these are enough to compare and judge the quality of a weapon, the game director Johan Pilestedt, revealed something surprising in his recent X post and stated each weapon in Helldivers 2 has 50 stats to compare.

Pilestedt clearly revealed, “In regards to @helldivers2 weapon stats. So many of you use the 4 stats we show as comparison while each gun has maybe 50 stats in total.” Shooter games are always based on a comparison of weapons and Helldivers 2 is no exception. Players love to compare the stats of every weapon and stratagems to find the best. Now, the post reveals there are more to compare. However, the game doesn’t feature all.

Logically, featuring all 50 stats of a gun is impossible. It not only makes things complicated but also players will get confused if they have to compare so many features. Therefore, to justify the point, Johan Pilestedt said, “The numbers are a guideline but does not paint a complete picture.” He additionally advised players to choose the one they prefer, and not look for all the stats.

SUGGESTED: Helldivers 2 New Feature Fixes the Server Issues (sort of)

In the comment section, he pinned an image and wrote that it was the previous version of the weapon stat page where initially the ammo stats were featured. However, later it was removed. Since it was revealed, players have been demanding for all 50 weapon stats to be featured. However, the Game Director didn’t utter a word about it.

Helldivers 2 Getting the First Balanced Patch Soon, Fixing Meta Issues

helldivers 2
Helldivers 2

Since the game was released, Helldivers 2 has shown tons of bugs and glitches. The latest update has fixed a few of them, but the problem of underperforming weapons remains the same. While some weapons perform unparalleled, a few are performing below expectations. Therefore, fans have been asking for a balanced patch note soon to make things even.

On Discord, recently a player raised the issue and asked whether any balanced patch note is coming. Fortunately, the reply was not too late and gave players good news. Arrowhead replied, “We are working on that for an update, yes.” The exact release date is not declared, but with this balanced patch note, players will probably get a more balanced gameplay experience where the weapons and stratagems work accordingly to take up challenging missions.